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China Trade Surplus Declining Since 2007

China’s ratio of current account surplus to gross domestic output (GDP) dropped to 2.6 percent in 2012, its lowest in eight years, over more balanced foreign trade, official data showed on Wednesday. The ratio was down 0.2 percentage points from 2011 and extended a falling streak since peaking at 10.1 percent in 2007, according to […]

Roman Coin Jewelry for Women Now Available

Authentic Roman Coins handcrafted into fine Pendants now available

Roman Coins – Jewelry for Women

3rd Century (Æ Antoninianus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $240

A new 90 Minute Video DVD on Understanding Cycles

YouTube Clip – Overview

World Economic Conference – Princeton NJ March 18-19

We will be holding a 2 day World Economic Conference March 18th & 19th in Princeton, NJ, at the famous Nassau Inn downtown directly right across the street from the University and campus. Space will be limited here (no audience of 300 this time). This is the historic Inn where the founders of the United States stayed when […]

Japan & Russia – Dow & Dollar Bears

If you ever wondered why the Dow Jones has rallied when all these domestic forecasters predict the collapse of the dollar and the Dow, the simple truth is they are so biased and married to this scenario of 1929 that they cannot see the nose in front of their face. They fail to grasp that […]

France Thinks It Can Manipulate The World

The President of France thinks he can have his cake and eat it too. He called on government leaders to agree on a target for the euro’s exchange rate over the medium-term, warning that the rising currency may deepen the recession. That much is true. He also said: “The eurozone must, through its heads of state […]

Japan Tax Revolt & War?

For the Japanese to ever protest it is highly unusual. Nonetheless, there is rising tension in Japan as reflected by about 200 housewives that marched down a shopping street in central Tokyo. They were protesting taxes beating pans and shouting slogans criticizing a government plan to double Japan’s 5 percent consumption tax. This tax hike in […]

McGraw-Hill & S&P Charged At Last But By Whom?

The most interesting of all events has just taken place. The U.S. Justice Department filed a civil complaint accusing McGraw-Hill and S&P of mail fraud, wire fraud and financial institutions fraud. Of course, nobody will ever go to jail since it is civil – not criminal. The real key is who did the filing – […]