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2 Day Conference – Princeton NJ – March 18-19

We will be holding a 2 day World Economic Conference March 18th & 19th in Princeton, NJ, following the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference in Philadelphia on March 16th. This event will be held at the Princeton, Nassau Inn. This is directly in the center of town right across the street from the University. The cocktail […]

ECB to Double its Staff

We are on the verge of a very serious collapse in Europe. France has effectively rejected German austerity and if Merkel is replaced by the Socialists, there goes Europe. Behind the scenes, Brussels is blaming, behind closed doors (on good sources), Switzerland and Britain claiming that the Euro would have made it if everyone was […]

When you can’t get approval – Do it Indirectly

The key to understanding government and how it functions is to comprehend that there is one golden rule – never admit what you are really trying to do. This is not something invented by Obama. It is how ALL governments act. I constantly say that history repeats because the passions of man never change. This […]

Energy 115 Reversal

We did not get the 115 Yearly Bullish Reversal in Brent Crude at the end of 2012. Nonetheless, we still see crude basis NYC reaching the $175 level. It is only a question of time for the years ahead. Keep in mind that we have rising geopolitical models also turning up in the Middle East […]


We are working on a Special Energy report for the full spectrum of the Industry. In the mean time, crude has been pressing higher. We have a Minor Monthly Bullish Reversal in Combined IPE/ICE Brent Crude at 11912. The Major Monthly Bullish stands up at the 14530 level. The Weekly Bullish stands at the 12435 […]

Mary Jo White & SEC

Anyone who thinks there will ever be change at the SEC, you better read this.  

Egypt Near Collapse – Part of the Cycle?

The tensions are rising around the globe and they are centered on government corruption and complete failure. This is the price of Marxism. Governments have been promising so much to so many for so long, that as this generation of once hippies comes to retirement, they are getting the short end of the stick. One […]

The Face of Real Evil

One reader commented “A country with 6% of the Worlds population but Houses 25% of the Total Prison Population.” Yes, only 4% of the people in prison are violent. There are people there for shooting a moose on the Federal property without a permit. The number of doctors and lawyers in prison is shocking.  Jail […]

Yes it is True

“Is it true that more children die from crossfires than of drug overdoses?” Yes. Because the black market is global, you cannot eliminate it by local laws even if you had all the police you ever dreamed about. Besides, it has been the drug trade that is destabilizing the Latin American political systems and then […]

Reality Check – Playing the Public for Fools

A reader sent this photo and comment: “To help back up your point on gun controls and access to black market arms.  The image attached is a scene from ‘Breaking Bad’ when Walt, a Methamphetamine cook, buys a Thirty-Eight Snub Nose gun, with the serial number filed off, from an underground dealer.” Obama’s laws will […]