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Prosecutorial Misconduct is Killing the Economy

The view of the American Justice System is so bad outside the United States that young lawyers take these jobs to make a name for themselves so they can get those big paying jobs. The bad ones get hired like lobbyists at law firms to try to have inside contacts because they have been there […]

The Solution?

Comments have already poured in regarding hyperinflation. A new report on Japan the Tipping Point will deal with the worse fiat monetary system in history. That should be ready shortly. Everything follows a bell curve. Some regulation is necessary to establish rules of conduct to provide the reason to come together to form society. But […]

SEC New Chief – Mary Jo White

Mary Jo White is from NYC. There will be no change at the SEC. She was a prosecutor for US Department of Justice in Southern District of New York and is familiar with the practice there of changing transcripts of what takes place in court, see US v Zicetello, She never prosecuted the bankers. The […]

Debt Ceiling – the Real Issues

The failure to raise the debt ceiling would not be negative regarding the creditworthiness of the US. It would signal that politics is becoming so intractable that a deadlock on the political front is reflecting the inability to confront any real debt issues. Policymaking has become insane with critical bills being stuffed with things nobody […]

Kansas, Nebraska and Louisiana Eliminating Income Tax

Republican governors of Kansas, Nebraska and Louisiana are pushing to eliminate personal and corporate income taxes. While the Marxists/Socialist like Paul Krugman of the New York Times calls this “reverse Robin Hoodism”, the Founding Fathers were much more understanding when they prohibited direct taxation. An income tax requires one to surrender their privacy. Government needs […]

Here We go Again – Hypreinflation

I really do not understand why people insist that HYPERINFLATION must take place. That ASSUMES government will print to meet its unfunded obligations rather than just change laws and fail to meet promises. They are cutting entitlements already. Yes Rome debased its currency to the point that its worth was 1/50th of its former value. […]

Japan’s New Foreign Policy & USA’s Arrogance

After decades of self-imposed pacifism and dependence upon the United States, Japan is beginning to carve out a new role in regional maritime affairs. Newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has launched a charm offensive across the Pacific, with Australia, India, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam among the countries Tokyo is bidding to align […]

Star Trek Tractor Beams Are Here – Schumpeter Next Wave of Innovation?

Star Trek is here. One of the explanations behind the long wave in the business cycle was put forth by Schumpeter. He argued that a new technology appears and furthers the advancement of the economy in great waves of innovation such as the Electricity, Telegraph, Railroad, Automobile, Airplanes, and the Internet. Will Tractor Beams be […]

Gun Shows Exploding in Attendance

Well Obama did it. Gun shows and sales are soaring. When Katrina hit, there was no rule of law. People had to protect their own property from criminals who if Obama has his way, will be the only people armed. The police even abandoned the prisons leaving many to drown and without food. Their policy […]

Refinancing Your Mortgage

Anyone looking to lower your interest rate on a fixed mortgage had better start now. The paper work required by banks is currently insane and the pendulum has swung in the opposite direction. It is often taking people 6 months to get approvals. Interest rates will rise, so there is no time like the present […]