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Market Talk – November 22, 2019

  ASIA: Chinese President Xi has said that he wishes to avoid a trade war with the US. However, he expressed if pushed too far he is willing to retaliate. “We want to work for a ‘phase one’ agreement on the basis of mutual respect and equality,” Xi told members of an international forum. This has […]

Market Talk – November 21, 2019

ASIA: China dismissed ‘external’ rumors about the progression of the US-China trade deal, a Chinese ministry spokesperson has said. Reuters reported that the well anticipated “phase 1” of the deal may not be completed this year, as there are more demands from both sides. The US passed a legislation that will require the US to […]

Market Talk – November 20, 2019

ASIA: The Peoples Bank of China cut its one-year and five-year loan prime rates by 5 basis points. Yesterday, the central bank ordered banks to use the lowered rate to help bolster the economy. The new rates are 4.15 % for the one-year and 4.80% for the five-year, with the growth rate of China hovering […]

Mother of All Financial Crises

QUESTION: The distinction between the Repo Crisis and Quantitative Easing is the duration and purpose as distinguished from 2007-2009? HS ANSWER: Yes. Under QE, the Fed was buying in 30-year bonds in hope of creating a shortage of long-term paper that would in theory lead to consideration of buying long-term mortgage paper. It was trying […]

Market Talk – November 19, 2019

ASIA: China and South Korea entered into a defense agreement that could dent South Korea’s relationships with the US and Japan. The agreement will work on developing security ties and ensuring stability in the region. This comes about after China accused the US of meddling with affairs in the region. Recently US President Donald Trump […]

Is the Fed Monetizing Debt with the Repo Market? Or is this the Mother of All Financial Crises?

QUESTION: There are people claiming that Fed cannot buy directly from the Treasury and they are buying the same day issue in this Repo Crisis so that means they are monetizing the debt because foreigners are fleeing us Debt. This seems to lack any real substance and is nothing but opinion once again. Would you […]

The Repo Crisis

QUESTION: Marty; The goldbugs are back and claiming the Repo Crisis is MMT and this is again just printing money endlessly to cover up a major banking crisis in the USA so buy gold of course. You said at the WEC cocktail party this would happen because these people never understand the world economy. Is […]

Market Talk – November 18, 2019

ASIA: A lot of pessimism in the news today regarding the US and China trade deal, with agricultural and concerns over intellectual property being the main sticking points. In addition to this, China came out with a bold statement for the US to stop flexing its muscles in the South China Sea in a separate […]

Custodial Risk in New York City

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Your commentary and Socrates’ predictive capacity is ground-breaking. I have been following you for years. Thank you for your time and efforts. I find it fascinating that the foretold decline of the West (by Socrates) coincides with the fourth-turning demographic study described by Strauss & Howe. Watching it unfold is causing some […]

The Coming British Elections

QUESTION: I know you were rather close to Sir Alan and Prime Minister Thatcher. I also know you are close to a number of politicians here in Britain. I was at your Edinburgh conference where they introduced you as a seventh-generation Edinburgh Scotsman I found very interesting rather than an American. You are famous here […]