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European World Conference in Berlin November 28-29th

We strongly urge our regular clients to lock in your seat for the Berlin European World Economic Conference. We increased the venue size, and even that is more than halfway sold out already. With all the major publicity we are getting on the business cycle in Europe, we do not want our regular clients to be blocked. […]

The Fractal Nature of Capital Flows – Government Running Wild

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, If bull markets are defined by currency flows, how do you explain the fact that the Chinese stock market has over doubled in 12 months? Thank you. ANSWER: I have learned over the years that if someone does not want to listen, you cannot convince them of anything, for their mind […]

Greetings From Frankfurt

I am updating now from Europe. I will be in Europe for nearly two months for a lot of meetings. They would also like me to debate a few economists in a discussion on stage. That should be interesting. Those interested in watching the German TV Show that appeared nationally on Friday can watch it […]

Updating the Markets – The Key is the Corruption That Will Make the Turn

Political corruption is now in the open, but politicians don’t seem bothered, figuring it will all blow over in a week or two. This corruption trend in politics is indicative of what we need in place to shift the CONFIDENCE from government to private come 2015.75. There hasn’t been much to write about for the markets have done […]

Hillary: The Harbinger of Economic Destruction

The hypocrisy of Hillary is just beyond belief. She and her husband have lined their pockets from government well beyond most. She steered the contract for mining in Haiti to her brother. Bill has taken unbelievable donations for his “library” from foreign governments, thanks to Hillary. Hillary has always taken money from the major banks, yet talks […]

Fractional Banking v Bond Market

COMMENT: Marty, I found your take on matching lenders and borrowers precisely on point. Whilst it sounds innovative, that is precisely what blew up with the mortgage backed securities. The New York bankers took long-term and sold it to many banks in Europe and to insurance funds. That was matching the terms. Even Iceland’s proposal to shift […]

Fractional Banking v Matched Funding

Banking has existed from the earliest of times and has taken many forms from safe deposit storage, money changers, merchants with the ability to move money internationally, to money lenders. Some people wrongly assume that they can eliminate the business cycle by eliminating fractional banking. They assume that it will be possible to match lenders […]

The Federal Reserve: Part IV – The Bankers Strike Bank

Paul Volcker Former Fed Chairman The entire theory of how to manage an economy via the rise and fall of the money supply being the sole cause of inflation or deflation was discredited post-1971 with the birth of the Floating Exchange Rate System. Unbeknownst to the vast majority, the entire accounting system of trade had been […]

Comment from Retired Police Chief

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Many cops do not think beyond a violation of a law to see the bigger picture of what is really going on, they buy into whatever reason is given for a new program, or they like the government bodies they serve see a cash stream that they think they can use as […]

The Federal Reserve: Part II

  The amount of propaganda against the Federal Reserve is incredible. What we must keep in mind is that its original design, which lasted for about one year, was brilliant. The classic banking model, borrowing from depositors on a demand basis and lending long-term making a profit on the spread in interest rates, such as […]