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Market Talk – February 22, 2022

ASIA: India and the United Arab Emirates signed a broad trade and investment pact on Friday that will eventually cut all tariffs on each other’s goods and aims to increase annual trade between the two nations to $100 billion within five years. The virtual signing ceremony marks the first trade deal sealed by the Gulf […]

The West’s Desperate Effort to Switch the Enemy from COVID to Putin

From the outset, my position was that Ukraine should have been split according to language. Borders have been drawn by politicians, and this policy has given us so many problems over the years. It is language and culture that should define a national border. Ukraine is exerting old-world imperialistic philosophy. While Putin ordered Russian troops Monday to “maintain peace” […]

Canadian Parliament Protects Schwab, Trudeau, & WEF

  The Canadian Parliament shuts down probably the most important question concerning treason against the Canadian people. Stating that Schwab has bragged about infiltrating the Canadian government and naming those involved with Schwab after he has openly bragged about this accomplishment, Parliament shut down the question to make sure nobody would answer. Then the notorious […]

The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan

  We face a clear and present danger from various heads of state who are seeking to promote the cancel-culture to suppress any opposition to alter our future and that of our posterity. Schwab with his admiration for Lenin and his Young Global Leaders is pushing his communist ideas upon the world and that includes […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2022

ASIA: India’s imports of oil from Iraq surged in January to a 29-month high of about 1.3 million barrels per day (bpd), making up nearly a third of the supplies to Asia’s third-largest economy, data from shipping and industry sources show. India imported 4.6 million bpd of oil in January, a decline of about 1% […]

Trudeau has Instituted Hitler-Type Powers Over Capital

While anyone who dares to compare Trudeau to Hitler is criticized because they ONLY equate Hitler with the Holocaust – nothing can be further than the truth. Hitler also made it illegal to have a bank account outside of Germany, which many people did because of the Hyperinflation 10 years before he came to power […]

Draghi: The Unvaccinated Are Not Part of Our Society

Mario Draghi has ruined the lives of 500,000 Italians after declaring, “The unvaccinated are not part of our society.” All Italians over 50 must now receive the vaccination to find employment or participate in society. Draghi is directly blaming the entire pandemic on those who did not conform. “We must never lose sight of the […]

Market Talk – February 17, 2022

ASIA: Japan ran its biggest trade deficit in a single month in eight years in January as high energy costs swelled imports and manufacturers struggled with global supply constraints, causing a decline in car shipments. Imports soared 39.6% year-on-year in January to hit a record high in terms of their value in yen, coming to […]

Durham is only Scratching the Surface of Hillary

I found myself in the middle of a political scandal that nobody in the West was willing to dare write about – more dirt on the Clintons. Even now with the breaking news that Special Counsel John Durham in a filing related to a criminal charge brought against Michael Sussman, an attorney for Hillary Clinton’s […]

Market Talk – February 16, 2022

ASIA: China’s factory-gate inflation eased to its slowest pace in six months and consumer price growth also softened in January amid weakening property sector demand, new coronavirus curbs and government efforts to rein in surging materials costs. The producer price index (PPI) increased 9.1% from a year ago, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said […]