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China v Japan – War? There is a major dispute over some tiny uninhabited islands in the South China Sea. One may think this is nothing. They are just tiny islands not worth going to war over. WRONG! The islands are just the excuse. The issue is the festering hatred of Japan throughout Asia for World War II that […]

Con-Job of Education

Outside of the basics and physical science, there really is not much formal education does that is worthwhile. Kids get student loans with a huge amount of debt they struggle with for years, and then the diploma might as well be for knitting. Other than a doctor or lawyer, it is rare to find someone […]

Mickelson – One of the highest-earning athletes Comments on Making Drastic Changes because of Taxes

France is not alone. Mickelson spoke and made it clear “there are going to be some drastic changes for me because I happen to be in that zone that has been targeted both federally and by the state. And, you know, it doesn’t work for me right now. So I’m going to have to make […]


Aristotle The Athenian Constitution A Treatise on Government The Categories On the Art of Poetry The Poetics of Aristotle The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher William Blackstone Commentaries on the Laws of England Caesar Caesar’s Commentaries (in Latin)  Cicero First Oration of Circero Against Catiline Cicero’s Tusculan Disputatuions; Also, Treatises on the Nature of […]

Shanghai – the New Chicago

A report in China Daily said that Shanghai wants to transform itself into a global commodities trading center. Indeed, the Shanghai Futures Exchange has already introduced several new products, including a silver futures contract, and is working on a crude oil futures platform. The paper said the Exchange is about to begin test trading of […]

UK Referendum on EU membership

Last October, David Cameron defeated a bid to grant a referendum on EU membership, despite the largest rebellion against a Tory prime minister over Europe. Democracy is all bullshit. People pretending to be “representatives” of the people routinely try to prevent any election on important issues in Europe about the EU as was the case in […]

Police Used Obamacare for Criminal Charges

A man video taping police while someone is taken to the hospital has resulted in criminal charges being filed against a young man citing it is a criminal violation to invade someone’s health privacy filming police in a confrontation. This incident demonstrates how you have no rights. They get to charge you with whatever they […]

Congress to Investigate What Prosecutors Did to Swartz

They now say they will have a Congressional investigation over the suicide of Aaron Schwartz. The outrage of how the USA prosecutes crimes and then has the audacity to say China does not respect human rights when prosecutors do nothing but engage in mental torture to always get people to confess, is starting to dawn […]

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes

The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes THE ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF THE PEACE   by   JOHN MAYNARD KEYNES, C.B. Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge   New York Harcourt, Brace and Howe 1920   PREFACE The writer of this book was temporarily attached to the British Treasury during the war and was […]

Isolationism & Violence Is Part of the Cycle

History repeats because indeed the passions of man never change. Crack the economy and what you get is ALWAYS rising anti immigrant movements. Look at the USA version of the Berlin Wall to keep Mexicans out despite the fact they take jobs Americans do not want. We saw rising tensions in France with Arabs, London […]