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Hyperinflation v Inflation

Well naturally I get critical responses that the way everything has to collapse is only through HYPERINFLATION. I would love to see just one empire that has ever collapsed in such a manner – not Babylon, Athens, Hellenistic Greece, Rome, Venice, Holy Roman Empire or even Britain. I fail to grasp this insistence upon something that historically […]

Why Hyperinflation is Nonsense

    Societies are destroyed by EITHER hyperinflation or deflation. It is merely a question of how you get there. Unfortunately, the nonsense about HYPERINFLATION has seriously influenced too many people and that are clueless as to what is really taking place. Beware the Taxman Cometh

Beware The Taxman Cometh

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved January 10th, 2013     It is absolutely  IMPERATIVE to understand that what we face is by no means HYPERINFLATION. If you keep thinking that government will somehow just print their way into oblivion, you are going to lose your shirt and pants along with the car and house. I have tried […]

The Real Threat of War – 2014

    The Cycles of War 2014 Yes the Cycles of War are due to turn up in 2014. But this will most likely begin with the rise of internal separatism and civil unrest. True this model pinpointed World War I, World War II, Vietnam all spot on. This time, it is primarily focused in […]

Berlin – European Share Market Outlook for 2013 Now Available

This special report surprised many for included was the: The Rise of Separatism & the shift from public to private investment strategy European Share Market Outlook 2013

Cycle of War & Political Economy

Copyright Martin Armstrong all Rights Reserved January 8th, 2013 At our conferences around the world, we have discussed the Cycle of War and how this too has been incredibly accurate demonstrating that what may appear to be random, is really highly ordered chaos. This turns in 2014. To set the record straight, so far there […]

European Share Market Outlook 2013

Table of Contents The Coming Shift in Investment Confidence PUBLIC to PRIVATE…………………………………….…………………. 5 Austia ATX …………………………………………………………….…. 21 Belgium BEL20……………………………………………………..….… 33 France CAC40…………………………………………………………… 45 Greek General Index ……………………………………………………. 60 Germany DAX……………………………………………………………. 78 Italy MIB ………………………………………………………..………… 94 Spain – MADRID IBEX 35 …………………………………….………. 110 Switzerland Market Index ………………………………………………. 125 United Kingdom FTSE 100 …………………………………………….. 140

Computer Modeling – Not Quite Ready for Prime Time

Probably the two top questions I always get are: (1) how could I construct a computer model that has been so consistent for decades when others fail? (2) What advise I can give to people trying to really learn something from formal education? The most important aspect of computer science is understanding there is a […]

European Outlook for 2013

Europe could decline into 2017. At the very least, we should see Europe come in with the lowest economic growth in the world. See: The Fate of Europe 2013

Fate of Europe 2013

Copyright Martin Armstrong all rights reserved January 7th, 2013  The European Central Bank is taking a deep breath as its President Mario Draghi now turns his attention to desperately trying to nurse the Eurozone back to some stable economic health. The crisis management measures of the last three years have subsided for now as the […]