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One of Rome’s Greatest Insane Tyrants

Caracalla Coins

Story of one of Rome’s Greatest Tyrants who Killed is own Brother while in the arms of his Mother.  

The Trend at a Glance

The desperate need for revenue is tearing the world economy apart. Just as during the Great Depression nations turned toward protectionism, the same trends are emerging throughout Europe and the United States. Most nations are now imposing stricter version of work permits and entry visa authorizations. Even Singapore altered its laws last April elimination the […]

Dow Jones Industrials Update

The next three weeks will be choppy with the primary targets being the weeks of 01/28, 02/11, and 03/11. We have Weekly Bullish Reversals at 1365810 and 1369790. These define the overhead resistance. The Weekly Bearish start at 1309150. Our Minor Month Bullish Reversal stands at 1333180 while the Majors are 1399470, 1412110,  and 1428000 […]

Gold the Numbers

The resistance on gold stands at the 1713.50 level. We need to see a closing above that on a daily basis to steady the market at this time.

Obama’s Urgent Gun Controls?

In Switzerland, every house must have a gun. It is called national defense. If 3 people in the same day kill with a knife, do we outlaw knives? Everyone is in favor of background checks and making sure people with mental problems do not get their hands on guns. That is because any rational person […]

Bringing The Gold Home

Conspiracy theorists have been arguing that there is no gold in Fort Knox for years. Well, they have not been alone. Sister groups have existed in Germany, France, and even England. The Handelsblatt newspaper reported following rumors that have been circulating in Europe for months that Germany’s central bank will now recall much its gold bullion stored […]

On Liberty – John Stuart Mill

On Liberty – By John Stuart Mill. With an Introduction by W. L. Courtney, LL.D. The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd. London and Felling-on-Tyne New York and Melbourne [Pg v] To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author, of all that is best in my writings—the […]

Hammurabi Legal Code 1780BC

HAMMURABI’S CODE OF LAWS (circa 1780 B.C.) Translated by L. W. King When Anu the Sublime, King of the Anunaki, and Bel, the lord of Heaven and earth, who decreed the fate of the land, assigned to Marduk, the over-ruling son of Ea, God of righteousness, dominion over earthly man, and made him great among […]

Aaron Swartz – A Voice of Freedom Silenced

To federal prosecutors, Aaron Swartz was a criminal they drove to suicide. His death has sent a tidal wave through the online community worldwide. The additional culprit in causing his death is none other than MIT – the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Swartz was an accomplished hacker who was regarded as a digital prodigy and helped develop social-news […]