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Interest Rates & 2013

2013 will be the Pi (π) target year for the low in interest rates from the 1981 high. The key in this giant financial crisis is still Europe. Marxism has failed. Russia & China faced that in 1989. The West has to learn this lessen as well. As a whole, Europe will post the lowest economic […]

What was in the “fiscal cliff” Bill?

The Bush tax cuts will become permanent for all individual income below $400,000 (and family income below $450,000). The sequester spending cuts will be delayed two months. Hidden in the last-hour vote in Congress to avoid the “fiscal cliff” included all sorts of arcane provisions into the final bill, covering everything from electric scooters to NASCAR […]

Interview by Financial News Network

Fed Concerns Bearish For Gold

The news pundits call the minutes from the Fed’s December policy meeting showing a growing concern about further increases in the central bank’s $2.9 trillion balance sheet since 2007-2009 a “surprise” for Wall Street. Quite frankly, how could anyone take QE3 seriously as being open-ended when it was announced before the elections? Come on! You […]

Gold & Underground Economy

I have warned that the role of gold will be primarily as an underground currency. As governments become more and more desperate, people turn to alternatives. I have also explained that as Rome debased its currency, a two-tier economy emerged. Not even the government would accept its own money back for taxes. They imposed taxes […]

Does the Collapse of an Empire Follow the Same Pattern?

The answer to that is yes! Here are three charts on Britain. Its debt soared with World War I, the cost of living became exceptionally high and foreign labor migrated to London making it the first city after Ancient Rome to reach a population of 1 million during the late 19th century. Labor migrated because […]

Gold Support & Resistance

The Fibonacci stuff is just a interesting curiosity that merely showed the resistance at 17633 level. This is by no means a definitive tool. Just a confirming tool at best. If those monthly bearish reversals go, yes we retest support. The support in 2012 was 1400. That moves down to 1100 for 2013. As far […]

Well we Almost Made It

Soon the total World Government Debt will reach $50 trillion. It is rising $342,000 per SECOND faster than economic growth worldwide. GlobalDebtClock

Hey Obama – Great Job! BTW: How You Became an Economic Slave.

Traveling around the world for 3 months hitting every place from Hong Kong, Beijing, SE Asia, over to Europe, I met with at least 30 government ministers, central bank committees, hedge fund managers, investors and bankers. A lot has changed in 25 years. I have been warning how Americans have been thrown out of the […]

Dow Jones for 2013

The support in 2013 will be at 11,900, 11,650, 11,025 and resistance at 13340. For those attending the technical training seminars, here is a glimpse of the three 1985 projection lines that have defined this entire ECM wave of 51.6 years from 1985 into 2032. The 2007 high was slightly over the projection for that […]