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The Decline & Fall of Civilization is Upon Us

COMMENT: Good afternoon I would like to share a testimony to Marty: I am french and have attended a conference of technology in Germany last weekend, in which Barack Obama attended as a guest speaker. Though I am not American nor Republican, I was really surprised by the tonality and the comments different American speakers […]

Market Talk – November 12, 2019

ASIA: China is trying to implement a digital currency and be the first in the world to do so. “We know the demand from the general public is to keep anonymity by using paper money and coins…We will give those people who demand it anonymity in their transactions,” Mu Changchun, head of the People’s Bank of […]

Market Talk – November 11, 2019

ASIA: Tensions are showing no signs of relief in Hong Kong after two protesters were shot by police over the weekend. Recent sparks of tensions came about due to a student dying due to falling off a building after a police raid due to the protests. Chinese commerce company Alibaba set a new sales record […]

News in America Has Become Propaganda Like Pravda Did in Russia under the Soviet Union

COMMENT: Martin, I was willing to just to try Duck-Duck-Go just to see if they are non-biased in their results (and to get rid of Google sponsored Ads as my first search results). I “Duck-Ducked” for: “Trump news”, thought “Uh-oh.”  Fox News was at the end of the list.  At least it showed up.  Then I […]

Google Manipulating the News?

There were allegations raised that Google was manipulating the news to help Hillary. They allegedly steered 2.6 million votes to Hillary and had far more of an impact upon the 2016 election than Russians. A whistleblower at Google has come out and warned that things are getting worse. Google whistleblower Zach Vorhies came out and […]

Market Talk – November 8, 2019

ASIA: The Chinese Community Party has responded to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s attack that claimed China is too focused on international domination and needs to be confronted. The CCP stated that his comments were extremely dangerous and exposed his sinister intentions. “Pompeo is splitting apart and setting in antagonism against each other the Chinese […]

Will Hillary & Bloomberg Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? HJ ANSWER: All my sources say YES!! She will wait for January. The rest of the pack is slowly expiring. Joe Biden does not have what it takes to be a President and his son was clearly involved in selling influence in Ukraine. Elizabeth Warren scares […]

Market Talk – November 7, 2019

ASIA: China announced that the US has agreed to incrementally lift tariffs once a trade deal is reached. “If China, US reach a phase-one deal, both sides should roll back existing additional tariffs in the same proportion simultaneously based on the content of the agreement,” stated ministry spokesman Gao Feng. Feng pointed to positive progressive […]

Market Talk – November 6, 2019

ASIA: China plans to purchase up to 10 percent of the Saudi Aramco IPO. The IPO came under some pressure after the recent attacks on Saudi’s largest oil refineries, but recently production was brought back to max capacity. China and France have announced deals worth 15 billion USD today after French President Emmanuel Macron met […]

Market Talk – November 5, 2019

ASIA: According to the FT, the US is considering removing some tariffs in an attempt to make a truce in the trade war. The cuts will be for around 112 billion USD worth of goods which have had a 15% levy applied on them since September the 1st. On the news, the renminbi strengthened to […]