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Market Talk August 17th, 2016

There appeared little reason the JPY to strengthen as much as it did yesterday during any of the sessions but that said, we did see 99.75 at one stage yesterday. No-one knew why and so in Asia back it traded to 101 again. In late US trading we have seen another attack at the par […]

Market Talk August 16th, 2016

The strength of the JPY had a large impact on the Nikkei today’s and as it broke par then the Nikkei was hit closing down around -1.7% in all. Exporters are always hit when the currency strengthens and it is not clear which is leading which just yet. Both the Shanghai and Hang Seng were a little […]

Market Talk – August 15, 2016

Marginally disappointing as far as Japan is concerned, but having just seen Q2 GDP at zero (against estimation of +0.2%) already called down from the 0.5% seen in Q1, it was no surprise the market was torn today. The strength of both the Shanghai and Hang Seng lifted sentiment more than prices which certainly gave […]

Islam v Christianity Part II

This contest between Islam and Christianity is primarily at the elite level. The bulk of those in Turkey do not support the idea of returning to the days of old. Of course, both Hitler and Napoleon dreamed about resurrecting the Roman Empire. By no means did this same dream infect the general population. These types […]

The Contest Between Islam & Christianity Returns?

Are we headed into a new age of Islam v Christianity? What people do not grasp is that the first panic in our list of panics from which I derived the Economic Confidence Model was 1683. That was the invasion of the Ottoman Empire directly against Vienna, which was the seat of the Holy Roman […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2016

The Nikkei (cash market) had a lot to recover having just returned but recover it did. The early bounce was pulled back then the Friday afternoon recovery took over and we closed just off the days highs (+1.2%). China’s Industrial Output was expected at 6.1% but came in a little short at 6% which did […]

Market Talk – August 11, 2016

Yet another rather uneventful session made even worse by the fact that Japan had a national holiday. Early trading in the Shanghai tended to follow the weak US sentiment but despite flipping in both directions, eventually closed down but above the psychological 3k level. Hang Seng performed well and it could be said took a […]

Market Talk – August 10th, 2016

  A weaker opening for the Nikkei was off-set by better than expect economic data (Machine Orders) by lunchtime. The majority of the afternoon trading was in the positive but eventually closed small down. Many are concerned that the JPY may attempt a summer break of the 100 level which has the tendency to weigh […]

Europe on the Brink of Complete Chaos?

There are so many incidents with the refugee crisis in Europe that the blog could be filled with that subject alone. Even the press in Germany is starting to shift after countless incidents from knife attacks to a gang beating and robbing British tourists in the same square in Cologne, Germany. Not to mention the media’s […]

Market Talk — August 9, 2016

  Consolidation was the name of the game in the morning session for Japan, which dealers were happy to see especially after yesterdays prestigious run. Hang Seng had a rather subdued day with very little change for them today. In Shanghai, once the market saw the unchanged CPI and the better than expected PPI, bulls […]