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Ancient and Premodern Weights and Measures, with Modern Equivalents

Modern equivalents are approximate. Abbreviations used for certain measures are given below in parentheses. Measures of Capacity 1 keramion = 8 khoes = 25 l 1 khous (kh) = 3.12 l 1 kophinos = 36 kotylai = 3 kh = 9.4 l 1 medimnos (Attic) (med) = 48 khoinikes = 52.176 l 1 metretes = 12 kh = 37.4 l Measures of Surface Area 1 plethron = 10,000 ft2 = .09 hectares (ha) 1 iugerum = .25 ha Measures of Weight […]

Europe Doubled Its Debt

One question I get a lot is how long has Sovereign Debt Defaults been going on. Just for the record, kings use to borrow from the temples. In Greece, the first recorded default in history took place during in the fourth century B.C., when 13 Greek city states borrowed funds from the Temple of Delos, […]

Public Debt – Japan is the Worst

So many people only look at the US debt and yell and scream while jumping up and down in their yellow rain coats preaching the end is near. True, the US has the largest public debt, but it is far from the worst for it has the largest economy. That distinction being the worst debtor […]

Economic Slavery v Resident

Only the USA and ERITREA Tax citizens based upon birth. Virtually every other country (exceptions below) tax ONLY if you are a resident. If you are not there, you do not pay. Now France is talking about adopting the US system of economic slavery based upon birth. the following countries have no income taxes:  Bahamas  Bahrain […]

France Looks Worse than Greece

The French actor Gerard Depardieu has left France and was publicly ridiculed for not wanting to turn over 75% of his wealth. Gerard has fired back and is clearly pissed-off how he was treated in France and sent an open letter to the Prime Minister. He writes that he paid EUR 145 million taxes in 45 […]

Asia – the only game in town

The purpose of this world tour has been to kick the tires and see what is really taking place. I began in San Diego, then went to Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, Thailand, then Europe and about now to return to the States. The stories about fake progress in China are clearly biased Western reports that […]

EU Government Waste

While Europe is in an economic Sovereign Debt Crisis hunting down the rich like they are the prize in a fox hunt, the EU government spending, waste, and salary increases do not stop. The interesting aspect is they pass a law about salary increases and then point to the law and demand retroactive salary increases […]

Selling For Capital Gains B4 Yr End

Most of the big funds that had long-term gains this year have sold or are still selling to lock-in these lower tax rates before year-end. This is a phenomenon that has been caused by the Sovereign Debt Crisis and Obama being just brain dead when it comes to economics. Even stocks like Apple (AAPL) have […]

Beware 2013

The one resounding thing that emerged from this world tour and holding conferences in US, Asia, and Europe, was that there is a universal rising tide that realizes something is seriously wrong. In having our computer forecast every market around the world, the benefit was that the analysis is the same, without emotion, and void […]

US Is killing The Global Economy

The United States is the ONLY country that taxes American citizens even if they have never lived in the United States at any time. Once born American, you owe taxes as an economic slave even when you receive nothing and have never lived in the USA. This law passed last December that authorizes the confiscation […]