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310 Page Special Asian Forecasting Report

This is perhaps the most comprehensive report on Asia we have every produced delivered in six parts with 310 pages. The countries covered are Australia, China (Shanghai & Shenzhen), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,  Thailand, and Vietnam. Each nation is covered with its share market and currency (Vietnam […]

310 Page Special Asian Forecasting Report

  This is perhaps the most comprehensive report on Asia we have every produced delivered in six parts with 310 pages. The countries covered are Australia, China (Shanghai & Shenzhen), Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan,  Thailand, and Vietnam. Each nation is covered with its share market and currency […]

Bangkok World Economic Conference Made the Nightly News in Asia


The Euro Impact – Exporting Deflation

The Berlin World Economic Conference December 1st & 2nd is shaping up to be a major event. Our focus will be the Euro and since we warned that the Euro monetary system was unsustainable as designed and the European Commission even attended our World Economic Conference in London to listen to our warnings, the pressure […]

Genius – Thinking Out of the Box

Thinking out of the Box has always been a pioneering adventure. When it succeeds, it is called Genius – and when it fails, it is traditionally associated with nonconformity. Yet we are at a crossroads where knowledge is about to be put to the Test of Ages where either we remain in darkness presuming the world […]

The Euro Impacted Everything Including Gold

When I was invited by the Central Bank of China to Beijing after the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, I was told to please continue to try to explain what was taking place in the world economy because I was the only independent analyst with worldwide experience. For you see, had you been able to ask […]

Obama Wins

  Well Obama won with a popular vote of 59.6 to 56.9 million. The Electoral votes was 303 to 206 (29 not assigned). This should be no surprise. Our model has long shown the rise of the Democrats as we go into this economic turmoil as the Republicans have been captured by the Religious Right […]

Berlin – The Best of the Trilogy

The World Economic Conference – Berlin December 1 & 2 Berlin is the third and last of our trilogy of World Economic Conferences held around the world.This is shaping up to be the best of the series given the hot topic of the Euro and the fate of Europe that is hanging in the balance. The […]

Gold – What Now

September has proven to be the highest monthly closing. The correction is under way and the Reversals have been performing as usual. January is shaping up to be a major turning point in many markets. All of Asia has been percolating preparing for what appears to be a major Directional Change in 2013. Japan may prove to […]

Asia – Just a Different Beat

While turmoil abounds in Europe and Germany resists writing off Greek debt and previous holders of Greek debt squawk about taking a second haircut, Moodys actually upgraded the Philippines. The Indian market has a Double top and looks more like the early stages of Japan in the mid ’80s preparing for an explosive rally. As the West […]