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Looks Like Some Planets also Conform to Pi

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Its not just the Sun, some planets also seem to line up with the Pi Frequency. The most interesting is Venus which completes 7 orbits in one 4.3 year cycle. Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Period, d 224 365.25 687.00 4332.00 Period, y 0.61 1.00 1.88 11.86 Orbits 7 4.3 16 4 Pi […]

Fractional Banking Misrepresentations

COMMENT: Hi Martin, FYI – I personally think the confusion on this topic comes from the University.  I was a student 20 years ago and studied finance.  This is what we were taught – The money supply expands with lower reserve requirements.  It should really read the money supply would expand with a lower reserve requirement […]

Blood Moon September 28th, 2015

  We have received a lot of emails about the Blood Moon and how the last of the lunar tetrad lines up with the major turning point on the Economic Confidence Model this year – 2015.75. Lunar eclipses usually do not occur in any specific order. However, every once in a while, four total lunar eclipses happen […]

Fed’s Ability to Create Money From Thin Air

QUESTION:  Thank you for the explanation about what fractional banking is. It clarifies the real intent and impact of this issue on the economy. Would you please then explain what quantitative easing is? It appears as if this is indeed the creation of money out of thin air. cs ANSWER: This is a different animal […]

It Wont Be The First Time They Hang Bankers

QUESTION: Marty, thank you for explaining the banking problem. It is leverage but they cannot create money without a basic deposit. The way these people spin this you would think you just open a bank and create money by loans without any deposits at all. Why are these people so bent on destroying banks? This […]

Bank Portfolios Reflect Bubble for 2015.75

For the first time since 2008, banks are rushing into government Treasuries (PUBLIC) holdings faster than corporate/consumer loans (PRIVATE). Bank portfolio holdings have been a key component in monitoring the shifts between PUBLIC and PRIVATE CONFIDENCE. These shifts from government securities to private holdings within bank portfolios is an important leading indicator of the rise […]

Bad Bank

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your identification and differentiation of relationship vs transactional banking in understanding the corruption of the banking system is spot on imo. Did not the evolution of this change depend on the increasing government involvement, e.g., the recent RE bubble where banks made inflated/fraudulent loans and collected fees only to sell the […]

Fractional v Relationship/Transactional Banking

QUESTION: Marty, in your piece about banking are you suggesting that fractional banking is not the issue it is the shift from relationship banking to transactional that is causing the greatest damage? Thanks Bob ANSWER: Absolutely. The difference between a Dark Age and Capitalism is the very fact that banks exist. The Dark Age after […]

The ECM and the Interaction of a Complex Wave Structure

  For the new readers is trying to grasp the significance of six waves, the entire structure of the universe is based upon cycles for this is how energy moves. This applies to absolutely everything without exception.   If you stand at the corner of a busy street and close your eyes, listen to the […]

The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States

QUESTION: Marty, I remember you giving a seminar back in the early nineties and you showed a chart of the rise and fall of civilizations with the energy output of the sun long before there was this insistence on global warming. Do you have that chart still? REPLY: Here it is. It was redone in […]