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The Rising Social War

In Rome, there was the Social War (91–88 BC) where citizens of Italy paid taxes but did not have the same respect and rights as those in Rome. We are likewise headed straight into a class-warfare struggle because government blames the rich for not paying their “fair share” when it is government that spends without […]

Understanding Cycles

Cycle targets that we provide are TURNING POINTS. This means an event normally takes place at that time be it a high or low. If ideally something should produce a low but does not and produces a high, it is typically extending the cycle to the next TURNING POINT. It looks at this time that […]

Dogs Sniffing out Cash

It appears that the world is headed in the direction of a massive assault upon wealth everywhere. The culmination of class warfare seems to be coming to a head all because government owes so damn much in interest, there may be no way out but complete collapse. I fear that we are creating such hatred […]

Maximinus I -235-238 AD

Maximinus I 235-238 AD Maximinus I (235-238AD) is said to have been the first soldier who rose through the ranks to become Emperor. He was also from Thrace in Greece and is said to have been a shepherd before joining the army. With Hindsight, many considered that he was really a barbarian whose parents merely […]

Gold Update

This week’s close of 1622.6 is the highest weekly closing since May. We have to be cautious next week for we could still make a higher intraday high, and then turn down for 3 weeks before turning back up. The resistance to watch is 1671. We have to see a weekly closing above that level […]


Will have an update this weekend on gold. This week has been pushing higher within the broad trading range, but the buy signal would require a close above 1671. We may see the highest weekly closing for this range in several weeks. However. this is the turning point and the next three weeks should be […]

SEC Will Not Charge Goldman Sachs over Subprime & the People in the Middle

The SEC has announced it is closing the probe on Goldman Sachs over the whole subprime debacle. So why should anyone be surprised? This is just business as usual when it comes to New York the same as the silver probe they shut down. They will not even charge MF Global. So get a life! […]

Money Supply

Part of the argument that is made to support a gold standard is that money should be tangible. That will never fly today for nobody knows what constitutes even the money supply. During the 1960s, if you bought a US savings bond, you could not go to the bank and borrow on it, This was […]

There is no Double Jeopardy

I find it amazing that people actually think there is a rule of law or a constitutional right that is still standing. They have ruled there need no search warrants for emails. They can break into your hope if think there is a just reason. You have no right to remain silent if they work […]

Government is in Desperate Need of Cash

The penalties I mentioned in Spain are pending and have not yet been implemented. In France, all bullion dealers must pay by check, no more cash. The bullion business has collapsed in France as people now just go to Belgium. There cash is OK below 25,000 euros, to be lowered to 10,000 and probably within […]