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Update for Gold 9/7/2012

Gold has moved up into the 1700 level. We have closing resistance at 1720.7 – 1720.9. Gold rallied above this level, but this is the area to watch for the close of NYC. If we close above this area, then it is possible to rally a bit more but leaving this week as the highest weekly closing. […]

Metals Outlook Special Report

  This is the 2012 Special Report on the Metals covering Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium. This report provides all the computer forecasting including the Forecast Arrays and Reversals.  

HARRIS v. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980)

HARRIS v. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980) 448 U.S. 297 HARRIS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES v. McRAE ET AL. APPEAL FROM THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK. No. 79-1268. Argued April 21, 1980. Decided June 30, 1980. Title XIX of the Social Security Act established the Medicaid […]

The US Law that is Destroying the World Economy – FATCA

Government is always the single greatest threat to society & the economy. It was the greed of the Democrats that caused them to raise taxes when there was a real estate boom in the late 1980s.They reduced the amortization benefits in real estate and caused investors to bail out. That resulted in a one-way market – […]

$3000 Limit on International Bank Wires

Some people have asked is there now a divergence between the US Customs & Banking regulation? The answer appears to be yes! Under the Patriot Act of 2001, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (Fincen) requires that financial institutions transmit full information about your wire transfer to them for amounts of $3,000 or more. The information must […]

Gold The Recent Rally

The computer called for a high at this time a year ago. There is nothing new. The same old news of QE3 will be inflationary is just nonsense. We have massive deflation still going on. The key to watch is interest rates. Do a simple correlation and you will see that inflation requires rising interest […]

Obamacare – The Death Squads maybe real.

I have not been able as yet to verify the veracity of this subject. It is offered for your consideration. The Death Squads maybe real. Thanks Obama. Phone_call_from_Neurosurgeon_32bps

The Republican Convention Was A Disgrace to Freedom

While everyone yells and screams about abortion and the right for gays to marry, the most important destruction of the democratic process took place over a pathetic  agenda to simply prevent Ron Paul from having his name nominated from the floor. The RNC stripped all the people of the State of Maine of the right […]

Jackson Hole

There was no surprise from the Bernanke statement other than basically he can justify more easing if he wants to. He has admitted that the recovery has effectively faltered and is “far from satisfactory,” and as a result, the Fed “should not rule out” new policies. However, Bernanke stopped short of outlining the specifics of any […]

OBamaCare – The Worst of All Worlds

I personally see no difference between Republican and Democrat. Neither party gives two shits about saving the nation or protecting the people. The Republicans used 911 to usher in the new age of no civil rights. We surrendered all our rights in order to enable government to track 19 guys and a camel. It is […]