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Writings 2012     The risk of Low Interest Rates (Martin Armstrong October 13th, 2012       Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World       Iran – The Fate of the Middle East       QE3 Confirms the Economic Implosion (Martin Armstrong September 13th, 2012     Debt […]

Shanghai Technical Training Seminar

Shanghai Technical Training Seminar   We are attempting to arrange venue for a Technical Training Conference for two days. Because this is a classroom, seating will be limited. The price per seat will be $10,000. That will include all materials. You cannot go to college or university to get a degree in Hedge Fund management. […]

1985 World Economic Conference

The 1985 World Economic Conference   We have recovered a set of the 1985 World Economic Conference materials. This was a major institutional event held in Princeton, New Jersey. The materials included all major markets as well as major economic statistics covering North America, South America, Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The importance of these […]

The Rapidly Approaching Demise of Japan

  Please register for Special Updates ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved   Disclaimer: Futures, Options, and Currency trading all have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these complex markets. Don’t trade with […]

San Diego World Economic Conference 2012

How to Survive the Sovereign Debt Crisis, Droughts & Global Warming, and Global Correlation of Worldwide Investments One Day Sunday only $750 Two Days $1,500 or $2,000 Including 6 month Subscription to the Global Market Watch Needed to Survive & Alert Updates See: A G E N D A We are facing a real Global […]

New Banking Trace Rules

It use to be that $10,000 was the reporting limit where banks are supposed to let the IRS know you received money. Well, any money you send or receive, that number is now $3,000. This Sovereign Debt Crisis is getting so bade and unemployment is really runny closer to 17%, that pretty soon if you […]

Post-Office New Rules – You cannot mail cash

Here are the regulations of the US Post Office now prohibits mailing: “Money (coins, cash, currency, paper money and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash such as endorsed stocks, bonds and cash letters).” We tried at three Post Offices and listing the content as “coins” led to a refusal to accept the package. Trying to explain […]

Jefferson – Words of Wisdom

Thomas Jefferson wrote:    “a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.”  

Regulators Who Regulate Nothing

Regulators Who Regulate Nothing Here we go again. PFGBest founder attempts suicide as $200m goes missing from Future’s Broker’s Accounts. The CFTC stands up with each crisis and claims it failed once again to PREVENT a fraud because it lack yet another regulation tool in its endless Swiss Army Knife. As the 2007 debacle unfolded, […]

Scranton PA Cuts Gov’t Employees to Minimum Wage

If anyone still thinks I have exaggerated the Sovereign Debt Crisis, you better wake up and smell the roses before the coffin slams shut. The mayor of the city of Scranton, Pa, has been faced with a devastating collapse in revenue creating a crippling cash flow problem. I have been warning the model for what has been […]