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The Model – Look Out August-September

One of the most fascinating aspects of our work has been the object of eliminating personal opinion. Therein lies the mistakes. Everyone has an opinion. So what. NOBODY can forecast a market from a gut feeling and be consistent. That is the problem with all forms of analysis that includes pattern recognition or anything that […]

It a Shame

It’s a shame that some people are just so desperate that gold has to go to $60,000 an oz but nothing else will change so one ounce will buy 2 Chevys. In 1980 gold touched $875 and the Dow was 1,000. Under this logic, that means gold should be $12,250 right now and since it […]

Inside Congress

Congress does not get it. Banks should be banks – not traders. I retired from making markets when the model said gold would decline after 1980 and indeed it did into 1999. My view, if I had to speculate to keep the business at that level of profit, I felt I might as well trade […]

Answering Your Questions & the Passport.

“Great Article! I am impressed with the “real” nature of your research and ‘forecast’. Mainly because you did not use the fear factor to persuade the reader that if they don’t sell the farm and buy gold they will be ‘toothless, in a homeless shelter’. Are you able to describe some of the scams some […]

Liberty v Safety – Do we deserve either? Ben Franklin said NO!

We have lost everything. History repeats because the passions of man never change. The American Revolution began with a major legal case in Boston where the King’s men were able to search anyone’s home and rummage through your papers to see if they could charge you with Treason. The 4th Amendment was the firecracker that […]

Boyd v. United States – 116 U.S. 616 (1886)

U.S. Supreme Court Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616 (1886) Boyd v. United States Argued December 11, 14, 1886 Decided February 1, 1886 116 U.S. 616 ERROR TO THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK Syllabus The 6th section of the act of June 22, 1874, entitled […]

Spain Erupts over Austerity – Day of Reckoning

The crisis we really face is the civil unrest that will erupt when society discovers that the Emperor has no clothes. When people have been promised the moon and believed it, no amount of economic logic will turn their heads to reason. Southern Europe is bubbling with problems. This is a battle between the bond […]


Monetary Systems – Monetary History of the World Listing of Roman Dictators Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies A Brief History of World Interest Rates A Brief History of Paper Money Economic History + Financial Panics of the World Evolution of Economic Theory & Thought Central Banking History of the Banking Act of 1935 […]

Greek Elections Private v Public

The Greek elections were tight. However, the private citizens beat out the government workers and have decided that for Greece to leave Europe would be a disaster. The riots of public workers protesting the austerity have not ended. The great problem faced by Greece is how to create jobs during austerity to absorb the laid-off […]

HOW DO Empires Die?

HOW DO Empires Die? by Martin Armstrong I began writing what I thought would be a report. Toward the final chapters in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, he wrote about Public Debt asking why anyone considered it to be quality since all governments defaulted on their debts and never paid them off. I assumed the […]