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Victoria Identified the Problem – Not the Solution

Victoria’s solution is not realistic. She at least identifies the problem – debt. What I can tell you is in meetings on the Hill, the conversation is at least intelligent when I meet with the chief’s of staff. When the politician enters the room, the conversation dumbs down. There is no collective ongoing accumulation of […]

It’s the Debt Stupid!

A 12-year-old-girl understands it’s the debt stupid. Why do people think it is what we call money or that a gold standard would cure anything. If a 12 year old girl can figure out what Congress cannot, or even what the goldbugs insist it is what we use for money, then what does this say […]

Dow Jones Industrials Outlook

Dow The Dow Jones Industrials elected Weekly Bearish Reversals starting the week ending May 11th, The next one lies at 11963 followed by 11180.The Monthly level showed that May was an outside reversal to the downside.The month-end closing below 12700 signalled a near-term correction was in order.However, the first Monetky Bearish Reversal lies at 11728 […]

Is Gold still a Hedge?

Gold seems to be the only sure hedge given the rise in aggressiveness of government. Bank accounts can always be seized. Don’t forget, whatever gold there was in banks they took in 1933. Not what you had at home. They are shutting off all foreign bank accounts. Little by little they are closing every avenue […]


Gold The Monthly Bearish Reversal remains at 1493 so no broader-term sell signal was accomplished yet.Resistance during June begins at 1632 and scales upward to 1732 followed by 1752. Support lies at 1574. We need to see a monly close back above 1675 to suggest a summer rally is likely. But the major resistance remains […]

Good Old Ben

Good Old Ben ‎”No man’s life, liberty or fortune is safe while our legislature is in session.” — Benjamin Franklin

Gold 05/21/2012

Outlook For Gold 05/21/2012 05212012-GoldOutlook

On the Daily le…

On the Daily level we see rising volatility into the end of this week 05/24-25. Volatility will rise again on May 29th. Keys days appears to be 05/23, 05/25, and 05/30 this month. The Daily Bullish Reversal stands at 1609.80. The key Daily Bearish Reversal lies at 1526.9. Minor Daily Bearish Reversal is to be […]

New Writing: Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions?

A new update from Martin Armstrong is now out on the 2012 Writings page: “Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions?”

Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions?

Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved May 16th, 2012 Manipulating the World Economy Or Just Understanding How It Really Functions? Some people will never admit a mistake. No matter what I say, they just will not believe me. I have received emails from some nasty gold fanatics saying the government is right for whenever I […]