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Regulators Who Regulate Nothing

Regulators Who Regulate Nothing Here we go again. PFGBest founder attempts suicide as $200m goes missing from Future’s Broker’s Accounts. The CFTC stands up with each crisis and claims it failed once again to PREVENT a fraud because it lack yet another regulation tool in its endless Swiss Army Knife. As the 2007 debacle unfolded, […]

Scranton PA Cuts Gov’t Employees to Minimum Wage

If anyone still thinks I have exaggerated the Sovereign Debt Crisis, you better wake up and smell the roses before the coffin slams shut. The mayor of the city of Scranton, Pa, has been faced with a devastating collapse in revenue creating a crippling cash flow problem. I have been warning the model for what has been […]

Barclays – The Tip of the Iceberg

The British Scandal of how Barclays got caught rigging LIBOR is just the TIP of the real iceberg. The big banks are traders, not bankers. If you have to speculate to make the big bucks, you are a hedge fund – not a banker. The problem is that the banks get inside info because they […]

Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the risk of civil unrest is rising exponentially & Why we will see The rise of a third political party

Why Property Taxes Will Soar, Why the risk of civil unrest is rising exponentially & Why we will see The rise of a third political party Anyone who really thinks we have a government by the people for the people, must be smoking something delusional. We are on the precipice of one of the greatest […]

What the Hyperinflationists Do Not Understand

What the Hyperinflationists do not understand is that government is always about government. They assume government will simply honor its promises and print into oblivion. It just never works that way. You are ALWAYS the enemy. Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, the Co-Chair of Obama’s deficit commission, made a slip of the tongue and for […]

Paradox of Government

The food stamp program, administered by the is Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever in its history. Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the Department of the Interior, asks us to “Please Do Not Feed the Animals.” Their stated reason for the […]

Obamacare – The Investment Tax

It is truly amazing to sit back and watch the political pundits blast the Supreme Court and paint the Chief Justice as the new LIBERAL. They really seem to be blind to what is going on behind that curtain. You have to understand the political jockeying in courts. This is why judges are handpicked by […]

Braswell v. United States, 487 U.S. 99 (1988)

U.S. Supreme Court   Braswell v. United States, 487 U.S. 99 (1988)   Braswell v. United States   No. 87-3   Argued March 1, 1988, Decided June 22, 1988   487 U.S. 99 CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR  THE FIFTH CIRCUIT Syllabus A federal grand jury issued a subpoena to petitioner […]

Banking Manipulations – A Systemic Problem

Banks have been manipulating markets, interest rates, and governments for a very long time. The present scandal involving manipulating LIBOR interest rates in Europe that began in Britain is surfacing like a soap opera evolving slowly on the political stage of life illustrating the potential to split the financial world in two like no other […]


Because of the seriousness of Germany forcing deflation upon Europe that could result in war, this fear of hyperinflation is just not warranted and must be addressed. ALL core economies simply collapse in Sovereign Debt Default. Hyperinflation takes place in the peripheral economies and is caused by the failure of capital to invest that is […]