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The IMF’s SDR & Monetary Reform – Another Crazy Idea?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I am a long time reader of your blog and a big fan of the tools that you have developed for investors. Thanks for all that you do and I wanted to reach out and ask about your opinion of the thesis that ——-  outlines for the IMF implementing SDRs as world money […]

Australian Drought Getting Really Bad & the Tilt of the Earth

Farmers in South Australia have been forced to feed sheep with onions that were rejected for commercial sale due to a shortage of feed. Besides the energy output of the sun declining, we also have the changes in the earth’s wobble to contend with. The Northern Hemisphere’s last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago, and […]

Why is Former Ambassador Refusing to be Questioned by Russians?

John McCain is one politician I have no respect for whatsoever. My opinion of him was formed before his war against Trump. His background many have viewed as a real traitor who sought to save himself compared to Snowden all the way to being of highly questionable character given he was responsible for the death of so […]

Magnitsky Act & the Cover-Up of Unprecedented Corruption

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I seem to recall that in your case HSBC had to plead guilty and paid back only $600 million because the difference in the notes in yen was your profit. Putin specifically mentioned that the $400 was stolen. That was you he was talking about. Then the $10 billion they wanted you […]

Bank Wires & the Hunt for Money

QUESTION: Hi Martin, in reference to the mailing of 500k in bank drafts to the US by a Canadian in Canada – I am wondering what your thoughts are in wiring > 50,000 (CAD) to a US brokerage account, as a Canadian citizen? Do you think there may be potential confiscation or holding of wired funds […]

US Border Seizes $500,000 Inheritance Mailed from Canada to USA

  An Ottawa man, David Saikaley,  acting as executor of a will obtained a bank draft for $500,000 and mailed it to family members in the United States to settle an estate. Bank checks are regarded as “cash” and the money was seized by customs. Almost a year later, the money is still stuck at the border. This is […]

Climate Change is Real – Do Droughts Last 8.6 Years?

  It is time to begin to really investigate Climate Change for what our computer is forecasting is like a dramatic rise in volatility or a Panic Cycle to be more accurate. What does that mean? We are going to experience extremes on both sides. You will see record temperature in the summer of 100+ […]

The Great Alignment on Schedule

QUESTION: Dear Martin, I’ve been revisiting your notes over and over, and it seems that the potential for a False Move is finally in the making, both in the Dow, Gold, Dollar, etc. You gave 2018 and 2020 as the key turning points for this to unfold, for the trading trap to suck people in, before […]

You can Watch The Magnitsky Act Behind the Scenes Here

Watch The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes

Fake News & Their Conspiracy with the Deep State Exposed

QUESTION: Did the Deep State indict the Russians to sabotage the Trump Putin summit? The Daily News seems to be cheering World War III. What is going on? ANSWER: The Justice Department DELIBERATELY indicted Russians they can never put on trial and it was done days before the summit to intentionally disrupt it and set the […]