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Negative Press Always Has to Find an Issue

It is really interesting how the press is so biased, that no matter the issue, they MUST simply spin it against Trump. It is really getting so bad these days that the press has surrendered all impartiality and trustworthiness. They were criticizing Trump for pulling out troops from Syria saying ISIS would be given free […]

Market Talk – October 23, 2019

ASIA: Hong Kong has officially withdrawn the extradition bill that caused the massive outbreak in social unrest in the country. According to media, the next step for mainland China would be to remove Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam. Protestors seem to rubbish the recent government actions and say there still a lot more demands that […]

Government Raid Australian Press to Impose Censorship

We have lost all of our freedoms, we are just too busy to take notice. The pretend whistleblower against Trump was orchestrated by Democrats to create an issue for 2020 to impeach Trump. The real whistleblower, Edward Snowden, has to live in Russia for they would imprison him under Treason. In Australia, a whistleblower exposure […]

Market Talk – October 21, 2019

ASIA: China and the US seem to have struck an agreement on how to proceed with the trade deal. Both countries acknowledge that continuing the trade war would not be beneficial to anyone. Over the weekend, Vice Premier Liu He said that the US and China were working at addressing each other’s core concerns – […]

Will Hillary Run in 2020?

QUESTION: Do you think Hillary will run in 2020? WK ANSWER: I would say yes. I know that the big Democratic donors are yelling they will not fund Warren. Hillary has been cagy, but the coup against Trump is in full motion. The FBI just came out of the blue to say they exonerate Hillary. […]

BREXIT Vote Delayed – Democracy Has Fallen

Once upon a time, if you voted against someone like Obama or Tony Blair in Britain, you simply accepted your loss and moved on. Those days are indeed properly for story books which begin – “Once Upon a Time.” This is not something which is unique to Britain. We are beginning to see the collapse […]

Market Talk – October 18, 2019

ASIA: There is some concern over the latest figures of Chinese unemployment, which shows that 10.97 million new jobs were created. This is very close to the full-year government target of 11 million. US President Trump often bashes China and suggests that the trade war is costing them dearly, with more than “3 million jobs” […]

Market Talk – October 17, 2019

ASIA: The US and China seem to have different understandings regarding phase 1 of the trade deal. US President Trump was proud to suggest that China will be purchasing 50 billion USD worth of agricultural products. However, the Chinese Commerce Ministry did not mention a figure, but stated they will purchase according to the Chinese […]

Market Talk – October 16, 2019

ASIA: The US-China trade deal has been split up in two phases. Phase 1 is expected to be passed soon and entails pushing back the December 15th tariffs on Chinese goods. Phase 1 will introduce China to promises to protect US intellectual property rights, as well as increased purchases of US agricultural products between 40-50 billion […]

Are the Democrats Doomed in 2020?

The latest ruckus behind the curtain is that the whispers are turning into screams. The big donors to the Democratic Party have almost unanimously put the Democratic Party on notice that they will sit this one out or even donate to Trump if the party nominates either Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. Based on very […]