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Manipulating the World Economy


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"Manipulating the World Economy" by Martin A. Armstrong

Market Talk – December 5, 2019

ASIA: China warned the US that a “price must be paid” for the latest sanctions imposed due to the China’s oppression of the people of Uighur decent. It seems this is a step back in the long discussions over the trade war. Japan, under Prime Minister Abe, has approved a stimulus package worth in excess […]

Market Talk – November 20, 2019

ASIA: The Peoples Bank of China cut its one-year and five-year loan prime rates by 5 basis points. Yesterday, the central bank ordered banks to use the lowered rate to help bolster the economy. The new rates are 4.15 % for the one-year and 4.80% for the five-year, with the growth rate of China hovering […]

Custodial Risk in New York City

QUESTION: Hello Marty, Your commentary and Socrates’ predictive capacity is ground-breaking. I have been following you for years. Thank you for your time and efforts. I find it fascinating that the foretold decline of the West (by Socrates) coincides with the fourth-turning demographic study described by Strauss & Howe. Watching it unfold is causing some […]

The Coming British Elections

QUESTION: I know you were rather close to Sir Alan and Prime Minister Thatcher. I also know you are close to a number of politicians here in Britain. I was at your Edinburgh conference where they introduced you as a seventh-generation Edinburgh Scotsman I found very interesting rather than an American. You are famous here […]

Market Talk – November 14, 2019

ASIA: China is insisting that the US retract any tariffs as a part of “phase one” of the trade deal. “The trade war was begun with adding tariffs, and should be ended by canceling these additional tariffs. This is an important condition for both sides to reach an agreement,” China’s Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Gao […]

Afterlife & Psychic Powers

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I, like most of your followers, read your findings, with great interest! You are, most definitely, Providing that, which is sorely lacking in the World, ….. Honesty! Many people, can deal with Life’s ups and downs, provided they feel they are not being lied to! I know, I most likely should […]

Europe Moving to Worldwide Income Tax & International Wealth Tax

QUESTION: As I understand you’re writings, the € is not a good currency to be in. I’m South African and stay in the Netherlands for 13 years now. I’ve been following you’re advice not to be in €’s and therefore I only have a house here that can be seen as a € investment. I […]

US Economy Soft – But Holding

COMMENT: I find it interesting how the rest of the world is declining and Socrates forecast that the US economy would be only slightly weak going into January 2020. It is interesting how it picks up the major differences. They are blind to the trend. You bring together the world. Thank you for that and […]

Norway – the Confusion in Trend

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. Does Socrates have an explanation of what is happening to the Norwegian Kroner? All the financial newspapers and banks here in Norway are scratching their heads and don’t have an explanation of why it’s devaluating against the Euro and Dollar. The central bank of Norway has an interest rate of 1.50%, […]