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French Elections – A Sell Signal Long-term for the EU Regardless of Who Wins

QUESTION:  Martin, I know your computer has a prediction for the French election and I am sure you have an opinion, I am of the opinion that the French deplorables will come out in mass to vote for LePen. Vive la France!!! What is your opinion. This could be the event that crumbles the EU […]

Market Talk- May 5th, 2017

The continued decline in Metals, Energy and Commodities hit nerves and confidence today in Asian trading with Japan just finishing Golden Week (today was Children’s Day). Money has been leaving Asian markets all week but given their close ahead of the US NFP’s and French elections it is not really surprising. Oil traded down to […]

Market Talk- May 4th, 2017

“The mood seemed anxious” – this was one comment we heard today as prices drifted in Asian light volume. The FED had already put a hawkish tone into the markets following their meeting but then commodity prices aren’t really helping matters either. The ASX has felt the weight of BHP and Rio price action recently […]

Market Talk- May 3rd, 2017

Another mixed session for Asia but with so much on the horizon it really should not be such a surprise. The Nikkei is closed and remains so for the balance of the week, Hong Kong and S. Korea are also closed for holidays. The Yen continued to play in the 112’s drifting to the 112.50 […]

Civil Unrest in Oregon – Communist Uprising is USA?

  We have succeeded in moving close toward the Civil Unrest that can erupt into civil war. In Oregon on the Communist May Day holiday,  anti-Trump factions who are calling themselves now “anarchists” have turned violent.  They threw rocks, smoke bombs and just about anything they could at police officers during a May Day rally. Thousands […]

Soros At it Again – Trying to Overthrow Polish Government?

Tokyo March 1999 Institutional Seminar QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I attended your March 1999 conference in Tokyo when I worked for ______ bank. I remember you called out Soros and crew and said they were trying to manipulate the yen for fiscal year end. You warned the Japanese how to defeat the Club. If I remember, […]

Dominoes – Key to Economic Survival

QUESTION: Marty; Will you be going over the type of monetary reform you see coming and how to position oneself for this and when it should arrive? What do you think about the SDR proposed by some replacing the dollar? Any response as to why you always seem to be right? Thanks See you in […]

Market Talk – April 28th, 2017

After the US closed we saw yet more encouraging results from the likes of Alphabet (Google parent) and Amazon (+4% futures) which has boosted confidence into the Asian session. However, that run did not last long as comments from President Trump concerning North Korea certainly unnerved markets resulting in a mixed close for month end. […]

The Confidence Game – The Next Crisis

QUESTION: Martin, I started following your models shortly after college in 2000 when I entered the financial advisor world. I soon realized how clueless this industry was and formed a hedge fund in Tampa in March 2007 to short retail and housing, largely based on your models & my understanding of cycles. I reached the top […]

Market Talk- April 27th, 2017

Two central banks were in play today, but neither moved on rates which was very much expected by the markets. The BOJ did however raise its economic forecast although that did not help support the Nikkei which closed small down at 19,250. The psychological barrier remains the 20k level but as it’s the end of […]