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Caesar's Commentaries (in Latin) – Caesar

CAESAR’S COMMENTARIES IN LATIN BOOKS I-IV   By Julius Caesar C. IULI CAESARIS DE BELLO GALLICO COMMENTARIUS PRIMUS GALLIA est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona […]

Principles of Political Economy – Mill

New Interviews & Press page!

Check out the new Interviews & Press page. You’ll find Martin’s recent interviews as well as some older press reports published in the US, Asia, Europe and more.

Asia The NIKKEI Financial Daily – March 9, 1998

 The NIKKEI Financial Daily March 9, 1998  The 10th Ranking of Popular Analysts Technical Analysts Ranking Name Company Title Points 12 Martin Armstrong Princeton Economic Institute 12 14 Craig Chudler Salomon Brothers Asia Ltd. Director, Equity Research Dept. 11 15 Walter Murphy Merrill Lynch (New York) First Vice President Research Dept. 6 15 Robert Brook […]

Asia South China Morning Post – May 7, 1998

South China Morning Post May 7, 1998 Japan “Key” to Global Rebound by Jake Lloyd-Smith Asia’s salvation lies in Japan, but the world’s second-largest economy must collapse before the region’s prospects will brighten, Princeton Economics International says. The global strategic adviser, which has no connection with the prestigious United States university, said international capital would […]

Asia Asian Wall Street Journal May 7, 1998

Asian Wall Street Journal May 7, 1998 U.S. Investment Adviser Says Yen Could Weaken Over Next 5 Years by Jon E. Hilsenrath Japan’s currency could weaken to 278 yen to the dollar during the next five years, says Martin Armstrong, chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd., an investment advisory firm. In the process, it is […]


Press United States Barron’s June 25th, 2011 New Yorker Magazine October 9th, 2009 (The Secret Cycle) Time Magazine Justin Fox wrote that Armstrong’s model “made several eerily on-the-mark calls using a formula based on the mathematical constant pi.” (Pg 30; Nov. 30, 2009). Rayno Report (July 6th, 2010) Bloomberg Network Newsletter – December 4, 1997 The […]

Asia Kabushiki Shinbun- November 25, 1997

Kabushiki Shinbun November 25, 1997 Neo-Market Revolution – “Special Edition” An interview with Mr. Armstrong, Chairman, Princeton Economic Institute Inc. of the U.S. Q. How do you see the troubled international financial situation? A. The next year, 1998, becomes a major turning point. Asian stock prices including Japan’s will hit their bottoms in 1998. Korea […]

Asia Kabushiki Shinbun – November 21, 1997

Kabushiki Shinbun November 21, 1997 Introduction of Public Funds for dealing with bad debts and so on… With the international financial situation moving towards chaos, Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of Princeton Economic Institute, Inc. visited Japan and gave our paper an exclusive interview. His earlier forecast, that appeared in this paper at the beginning […]

Asia The Kabushiki Shijo Shinbun – November 20, 1997

The Kabushiki Shijo Shinbun November 20, 1997 Investment Seminar by Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Inc. The Globe: 1998 Will Be a “Turning Point” Japan: Tax Reform Holds the Key to the Future Mr. Martin A. Armstrong, Chairman of Princeton Economic Institute Inc. in the U.S. held an investment seminar on Nov. […]