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How Are the Coupons Redeemed in a Debt-Equity Swap

QUESTION: sure enjoyed your conference via livestream and thank you for your blog site as it is very informative. I understand the swap of federal debt for equity in the form of coupons. then the coupons will be redeemed as cash from the treasury. what method of funding the coupons will the treasury use? I assume […]

Breakdown of Debt

QUESTION:  Mr. Armstrong, I have been eagerly awaiting your Solution and am trying to wrap my head around it. Can you explain more about the debt to equity swaps? What exactly would the debt be swapped for? PS: In your latest blog, you mentioned repealing the “13th” amendment. That gave me quite a shock until […]

Polls show Americans Do Not See Putin as Much More of a Threat Than Obama

  New Poll in USA shows the American people see Putin as only slightly more imminent threat than Obama himself. This is what I have been saying. There is NO DIFFERENCE between the Russian people and the American people. Russian have migrated to the USA and you meet many people from there. Some flew to Princeton […]

We cannot Escape the Past Until We See The Future

COMMENT: I watched the Solution Conference and your explanation of two monetary systems being barter and representative was insightful. I can see why the goldbugs hate you and how they are trapped in yesterday’s world of a barter economy. You have a lot of work ahead of you for this is truly revolutionary. You have […]

Solution Conference

  I would like to thank everyone for participating. This event may have been the largest financial conference in history with more than 5,000 attending from 47 countries. If everyone watched bringing just one friend, then we probably exceeded 10,000. The whole purpose of this event was to start the ball rolling with a discussion […]

LA Weekly Review the FORECASTER

By Chris Packham The story of espionage and duplicity that financial adviser Martin Armstrong relates in Marcus Vetter’s documentaryThe Forecaster is as serpentine and fascinating as a John le Carré novel. Its narrative thread convincingly weaves multiple financial collapses, the ouster of Boris Yeltsin and the rise of the Putin oligarchy around Armstrong’s life’s work — […]

Interest Rates – Dollars – October

Some have asked will the dollar has previously fallen with higher interest rates so why will the opposite unfold now? The answer to that question is rather important to grasp – YES and NO. Sometimes YES and sometimes higher interest rates reflects a weak currency but NO for higher interest can reflect also a strong […]


QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong:   I hope you are doing well and congratulations for your successful work, research and forecasts!. I don´t understand, Why TIME is more important than PRICE?. For example, Why the PRICE of gold is not important?. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Sincerely,   J.E.M.V. ANSWER: […]

Monopoly Game & Single Tax Movement

History is all about amazing connections between ideas and events that become reality. We far too often forget our origins of customs and terms. For example, New Jersey is named after Julius Caesar – Nova Caesaria (land of the new Caesar). A Caesarian birth is named after how he was born and of course July […]

The Ice Age Cometh

This is the picture the corrupt scientists have been using to get their hands on billions of dollars. We do not know where this photo was even taken. Nevertheless, they have used this to launch their campaign. There are many theories on both sides. All I know is rather simple. The sun is a thermodynamic […]