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Fertilizer Bans Lead to Food Scarcity

Canada’s Trudeau is proposing to reduce fertilizer with the globalist goal of achieving zero emissions by 2030. Every indicator says that food scarcity is on the rise, and yet politicians are continually making it harder to farm. Trudeau’s plan entails a 30% reduction in fertilizer and is a direct threat to the food supply. Fertilizer […]

The Inequality of the World Economy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have followed your comments on the future of inflation for the last five years at least since a friend attended your conference. I must say you have alone singlehandedly defeated every economic theory I have studied. Since the start of this pandemic in 2020, most prominent neoliberal economic voices warned of […]

Market Talk – August 3, 2022

ASIA: China announced on Tuesday that its People’s Liberation Army (PLA) would launch a series of targeted military operations on the island in response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and its resolute defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. The announcement came shortly after Pelosi landed in Taiwan, the first time in […]

Celebrities Normalizing Bug Consumption

In my interview with Maria Zeee, you may have heard us mention the propaganda efforts to make eating bugs seem normal. In 2018, actress Nicole Kidman made a video for Vanity Fair in which she eats “micro livestock” from a fancy silver platter. This is an insult to the people of food-deprived nations who are […]

Pelosi Visits Taiwan

Speaker Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan on Tuesday night despite warnings from both Washing and Beijing. The nature of her trip was so secretive that it was not on her official itinerary. Now, the true nature of her visit is coming to light. “We take this trip at a time when the world faces a […]

Klaus Schwab – How to Rule the World – Maybe!

    Klaus Schwab does not understand human nature or how the world economy functions. He preaches Stakeholder Economics which failed and was instituted during the Depression BECAUSE there were no government programs. The theory then was that companies should contribute to saving society. It failed because there was no coordination, for every company was […]

Market Talk – August 2, 2022

ASIA: Factory activity in India grew at the fastest pace in eight months in July, driven by solid growth in new orders and output as demand continued to improve on the back of easing price pressures, a private survey showed. The survey results suggest that India’s economy has remained resilient, at least for now, despite […]

Pelosi Provokes War with China

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to visit Taiwan during her tour of Asia, despite China’s harsh warnings that doing so could lead to war. Pelosi will be the first US House speaker to visit Taiwan in a quarter of a century, yet she has not fully explained her reason for visiting. The US military and […]

It’s a Matter of Confidence

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not think people give you enough credit whilst they all pretend to claim they called it correctly just a couple of months ago. I was at your 2011 WEC in Philadelphia. A friend bought the ticket and dragged me there. I have to say, aside from your prediction that war […]

Market Talk – August 1, 2022

ASIA: China’s manufacturing PMI fell to 50.4 in July from 51.7 the previous month, according to media reports on August 1. That was below market analysts’ expectations of 51.5 for July, but above the 50-point index that separates growth from decline, they added. . Market analysts said the decline was a result of weakening economic […]