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Market Talk- May 2nd, 2017

Given the long weekend approaching in Japan, there was no let up for the yen weakness today as we broke into the 112’s finally. The Nikkei closed better bid as Exporters again rallied off the back of the declining currency. Many are speculating we breach the 20k again next week, but given so much is […]

Kim Jong-un The Kid Whose Father Never Spanked – Why 2017 Is The Crisis Year For Korea

QUESTION: Kim Jong-un is clearly a mad-kid, not even a man. You have said the danger with him is he thinks he could actually win against the United States and South Korea. Now Trump want’s South Korea to pay $1 billion for a missile defense system. That does not seem to be a lot of money these […]

Market Talk- April 21, 2017

Having seen a strong US close on the back of potential tax reforms sooner rather than later, Asia responded with positive returns across the board. Well, actually the Hang Seng closed with a small loss of -0.06% which almost felt like a gain. Obviously, after such a volatile week traders have squared books as much […]

Market Talk- April 19th, 2017

Most of the talk yesterday concerned Europe and specifically the UK’s snap election decision by the PM, Theresa May. In Asia, we saw the reaction to the news which resulted in most core indices closing lower on the day; with the only positive from core being the Nikkei, but even then only just! The Yen […]

Armstrong On Why Cycles Exist

QUESTION: I was listening to a podcast on Bloomberg interviewing Peter Borsch who I remember you know for the two of you were together on a cycle research board and he worked for Paul Tudor Jones who handed me a copy of the Greatest Bull Market you wrote back in 1986. That was my introduction […]

Market Talk – April 12, 2017

Asia traded heavy with the yen making new recent highs in the continued flight to quality/safety. Interesting we have seen such a tight trading range as we near almost half year lows and in rather thin volume. The blame continues to be placed at the feet of geopolitical tensions, France’s upcoming elections and the uncertainty […]

Market Talk- April 7th, 2017

The main talking point affecting markets in Asia and indeed the rest of the world from the early hours trading was the US military action from the Mediterranean Sea. Safe haven assets were bid with bonds, gold and oil seeing good buying while the nerves found money being taken off the table in equity markets. […]

Socialism – Family Structure – Gold – Food

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you said that socialism is collapsing and the West is most vulnerable because it changed the social structure and the family unit. Spanish families from Mexico seem to be much tighter groups than Americans. Is this what you are talking about? Did the ancient Greeks save money for retirement? Is that why […]

Why Less than 10% Make Change Happen

COMMENT: Good day Martin I thoroughly enjoyed your video on the solution and took you up on creating a debate. Thank you for your work. I live in Canada. I have a small investment group; only five of us ….however, I invited collectively through the members another 10 people for a Friday night get together which […]

Does it Matter If You Are Born Outside USA to be President?

QUESTION: You said McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone and that raised the same question as Obama. In your legal view, was Obama qualified to be president or not? ANSWER: The Constitution does NOT say that someone must be born on US soil. It merely requires naturally born to be an American. “No […]