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A Treatise on Government – Aristotle

A TREATISE ON GOVERNMENT By Aristotle   Translated From The Greek Of Aristotle By William Ellis, A.M. London &.Toronto Published By J M Dent & Sons Ltd. &.In New York By E. P. Dutton &. Co First Issue Of This Edition 1912 Reprinted 1919, 1923, 1928 INTRODUCTION The Politics of Aristotle is the second part […]


Writings 1995 Armstrong Economics: The World Capital Market Review 02/1995 (Martin Armstrong, 02/95) Armstrong Economics: The World Capital Market Review 03/1995 (Martin Armstrong, 03/95) Armstrong Economics: The World Capital Market Review 04/1995 (Martin Armstrong, 04/95) Armstrong Economics: The World Capital Market Review 05/1995 (Martin Armstrong, 05/95) Armstrong Economics: The World Capital Market Review 06/1995 (Martin […]


Glossary Abscissa – the horizontal base line of a chart, x-axis. Ad Valorem Tax – A tax levied as a fixed percentage of the value of a particular item. Aggregate Demand – Total planned or desired spending in the economy as a whole in a given period. It is determined by the aggregate price level […]

Terms Used

Terms Used in PEI Reports Cyclical Strength Indicates the Strength of time-related trends. This indicator tends to pick highs and lows in extremely volatile moves (see “How to Use the Indicating Ranges”). Long-Term Trend The Long-term direction of a market (see “How to Use the Indicating Ranges”). Momentum The market’s ability to move quickly in […]

Trading Orders Used

Trading Orders Used in Reports BXCO (Buy Stop Close Only) Example: BUY YEN 73.25 BXCO. An order to buy Yen only if the close is at 73.25 or HIGHER. This type of order would be used if our computer models indicated that a close at or ABOVE a specific price would warn of a breakout […]

Contract Conversions

Contract Conversions At Princeton, most forecasts conducted on futures markets are done on a “nearest futures basis” which means the most current contract month. For example, there are four contract months for the IMM currencies; March, June, September, and December. We base our forecasts on the nearest contract month until it actually expires. Since traders […]


The Reversal System One of the most important discoveries made at Princeton concerning economic and market behavior is that the market system is a dynamic complex network of nonlinear activity possessing an incredible degree of inherent order. The seemingly random appearance of price activity is merely a mask that hides the true nature of events. […]

How to Use

How to Use the Reversal System The Reversals provide a map of precisely how far a market can move against the current trend without actually “reversing” the trend itself. This is true with all levels of Reversals generated from minor reactions to those of the major high or low. This is a very important concept […]

Hedging vs. Speculative Trading Strategies

The Reversal System—Hedging versus Speculative Trading Strategies One of the purposes of our service is to demonstrate how to develop your own trading techniques using the numbers provided on the daily and weekly reports. The recommendations provided in our reports are NOT the most aggressive strategies one can employ using the Reversals. Furthermore, the use […]

Trading a Panic

How to Trade A Panic  Martin A. Armstrong Note: This is reprinted from the April 1994 issue of the World Report. Most people believe that it is impossible to forecast the wild and crazy panic moves that any market will go through at varying intervals over the years. It appears that most people think that […]