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A Crisis in Democracy

A Crisis in Democracy The Price of Intervention © Martin A. Armstrong Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy once wrote in his classic Ode back in the 19th century… “We are the music-makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea breakers, And sitting by desolate streams; World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale […]

Rise & Fall of the CPI

The Rise & Fall of the Consumer Price Index © Martin A. Armstrong It is often said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. Oddly enough, the same can be said of inflation. You will undoubtedly read headlines which state that inflation is under control. You will also read of analysts who continue to […]

Changing Monetary Policy

Currently Under Construction

British Inflation & The Labour Party

British Inflation & The Labour Party © Martin A. Armstrong The boom which has been underway in Great Britain can only be described as impressive. By any logical political reckoning, the opposition Labour Party ought to be starting to climb back to its former greatness on such issues as inflation, rising interest rates and the largest […]

Battle Between Knowledge & Prejudice

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Battle between Knowledge & Prejudice (A look at the field of economic analysis) British Inflation & Labor Party (A warning to Bank of England) Changing Monetary Policy: (A look at the failures of the Keynesian Model) Rise & Fall of the CPI (A look at how government manipulates inflation statistics) Crisis in Democracy (A look […]

The Little-Guy Syndrome

The Little-Guy Syndrome © Martin A. Armstrong Private investors always seem to suffer from the little guy syndrome. Far too often they are told that the professionals, institutions and financial wizards know more about the markets than the little-guy. As such, the proper thing to do is just shut-up and follow their lead. Interestingly enough though, […]

Trading the Reverse Pyramid

Trading the Reverse Pyramid © Martin A. Armstrong If you had to reduce the movements of all market and economic activity down into a single solitary influential explanation, the one single word which I would chose to describe such a force would obviously be CONFIDENCE! At first, you might be moved to take exception to this […]

Stock Market &Interest Rates

Currently Under Construction

The Reversal System

The Reversal System: A 20-Year Case Study Theory-Design-Implementation © Martin A. Armstrong Perhaps the most important discovery made here at Princeton was the simple fact that market price and economic movement is anything but random. This is a very powerful statement because you will be hard pressed to find many who would agree with us on […]