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The Coming Ice Age – Not Global Warming

  One fact the Global Warming Con-Artists will not tell you is that mankind collectively accounts for only about 5% of the CO2 in the atmosphere. There is no money in trying to warn about a natural cycle that cannot be stopped. Blame mankind and then there is a pile of money to be made […]

Evolutionary Process of Labor

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your evolutionary process of labor from agriculture to skilled labor fascinating. This is indeed why unions destroy jobs rather than preserve them. They fight against the evolutionary process of labor that follows technology. So clearly skilled labor is moving constantly. What field would you recommend for one’s children? Thank you […]

Time to Get the Debate Moving

QUESTION: Marty; I am anxious to listen to your Solution’s Conference. This is amazing it will be seen worldwide live. I know few firms that can do a live stream like that. We looked into that technology ourselves. So I just wanted to ask one question regarding political reform. I can see that there are […]

ECB Riots Trash Frankfurt Turning into War Zone

  The violent protests downtown Frankfurt simply paralyzed the city. Barricades were burning everywhere and at least 90 policemen were injured. The city of Frankfurt, normally the obedient Germans would never act in such a manner, yet the city was reduced to a war zone. No doubt they will be looking at further restrrictions now […]

Are we Headed Back to an Ice Age?

  One of the most shocking things I bumped into in the middle of the night was when I input the data on the energy output of the sun and then correlated that into our data base back to 6000BC. Low and behold, the 300 year cycle matched up with the rise and fall of […]

Dow To Be or Not To Be – Correction Time?

  We warned that the Dow was not going to blast out to the upside and we saw a sideways to consolidating trend into May. Nothing has really changed and as you can see from our Energy Models, we have indeed been in a declining phase. Technically, the Dow is coming back to key support. […]


The reason we need a computer to monitor the world is a rather stark reality that complexity is astonishing. Yes you can work out a cycle on an individual market. But what happens when that market is impacted by a cycle from an external source? The resulting wave motion becomes complex. The person incapable of […]

What Can We Do

QUESTION: Dear Martin, All of the issues you point out…government debt, weather cycles turning down, bank manipulations, loss of individual freedoms, topic avoidance by the Media, hunt for taxes, the dying global economy etc… are absolutely INVISIBLE to the average American. People, in general, have no clue what is going on. With the exception of […]

EPA will soon License a Barbecues and Impose Fines for Cooking

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, The insanity continues apace. This is moving towards being beyond belief: Regards, Niall. ps – just bought some tickets for the London showing of ‘The Forecaster’ on March 28th. Looking forward to it very much… REPLY:  As long as you are not a NY Banker, you should like the film. Most […]

The Coming Wave of Creative Destruction

QUESTION: You have said that we are in the middle of a shift in the economy similar to the Great Depression where agriculture crashed from 40% to 3% and this time it is government and technology. It seems that your warning of also moving to an electronic currency fits with your new age of skilled […]