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US to Review Visa Waivers for the EU

The United States is now reviewing the Visa Waiver Program for the European Union. The entire problem has been the porous borders of Europe created by Merkel’s unilateral decision to accept refugees which was NEVER put to a vote for all of Europe. Brussels has simply been dictated by Merkel. Then, she imposed her unilateral […]

Market Talk – April 20, 2017

Financials, energy, and resources took Asian markets weaker early in the sessions but had reversed all by the close with only the Nikkei not managing a gain. The Yen lost a lot of momentum today having faded the 108.00 level and late this US evening plays around the 109.40 range. Data released from China has […]

French Elections on Sunday

The first round of the 2017 French presidential election is set to be held this coming Sunday on the 23rd of April 2017. Should no candidate win a majority, which is usually the case in France, a run-off election between the top two candidates will be held on May 7th, 2017. Macron and Le Pen […]

The End of Quantitative Easing – Perhaps Now It Will Be Inflationary?

One of the greatest monetary experiments in financial history has been the global central bank buying of government debt. This has been touted as a form of “money printing” that was supposed to produce hyperinflation, which never materialized as predicted by the perpetual pessimists. Nevertheless, the total amount of Quantitative Easing (QE) adding up the […]

British PM Calls for Early Election

Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday called for an early general election to be held June 8, 2017. She is seeking a strong mandate as she negotiates Britain’s exit from the European Union. She said that while the people voted to leave the EU, the politicians had not and they think because she has a thin […]

Market Talk – April 18, 2017

We saw a mixed session in Japan today with the Nikkei bouncing from yesterdays lows eventually closing up +0.35% whilst the currency rejected the 107 handle last trading mid 108 level. Shanghai has lost -0.8% also watching the Hang Seng give up 1.4%. It should be no surprise that markets are feeling jittery given current […]

Market Talk – April 13, 2017

Currency, namely YEN, was the main talking point for the day as then yen approached 109 over Two big figures on the week. This obviously the currency move hit the Nikkei which closed down -0.7% all surrounding the on-going geopolitical concerns. Late in US trading news that the USA had dropped a large devise on […]

Market Talk- April 7th, 2017

The main talking point affecting markets in Asia and indeed the rest of the world from the early hours trading was the US military action from the Mediterranean Sea. Safe haven assets were bid with bonds, gold and oil seeing good buying while the nerves found money being taken off the table in equity markets. […]

Market Talk- April 6, 2017

Japan was the major mover in Asian trade that followed the sentiment set by the afternoons reversal in US stocks. The Nikkei fell around 1.4%. The yen traded back to previous highs as again it was pushing against the 110 resistance level. Shanghai continued its run after the long weekend, eventually closing +0.35 higher again. […]

Getting the Facts Straight – Are they Just Oblivious to our History?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I was reading one analyst who claims we need a new dollar. He said that in 1832 Gold coins were produced at a face value of $20 each, and the one ounce Silver coins retained their $1 valuation and were issued in 1792. He concluded: “In summary. A Silver coin standard in 1792. […]