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Market Talk — June 27, 2016

As we expected weekend headlines would dictate Monday’s trading and that is exactly what we have seen. The GBP continues to fall spreading uncertainty and confusion around the globe. In the UK the opposition party (Labour Party – known as the Shadow cabinet) saw ten members resign on Sunday and an additional nine members resign […]

Six More Countries Want Referendums to Exit EU

  Brussels simply went too far. They crossed the line after moving from an economic union to a political subordinate of Europe. Now, six more countries want to hold referendums to exit the EU; France, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Finland, and Hungary all could leave. With Hollande’s approval rating at about 11%, Merkel is lucky […]

Market Talk Close June 24, 2016

Interesting price action – it is the UK that is leaving Europe and yet we saw the DAX fall 6.8%, CAC -8.35% and IBEX down 12.35% whilst FTSE declined just 2.8%! Bank share were hit everywhere with some of the large institutions (Deutsche Bank, Barclays and RBS) falling between 14 and 18%. The afternoon behaved […]

Market Talk — June 23, 2016

A somewhat mixed and quiet session for Asia, which was really to be expected. JPY traded between 104 and 106 for the majority of Asian and European time zones, edging towards the 106 level as Europe closed. The Nikkei benefitted most of the day on the back of the last poll seen ahead of the […]

Market Talk — June 22, 2016

A mixed session in Asia as the Nikkei could not escape negative territory, whilst Shanghai and the Hang Seng both provided positive returns. The Nikkei lost 0.65% while Shanghai and HSI gained 0.95% and 0.6% respectively. The JPY flirted with a 105 handle but was rejected and that rejection has gathered pace as European equities […]

Market Talk — June 21, 2016

The majority of the volatility within Asia appears to be concentrated within the Nikkei and the JPY. The Nikkei opened around 1% lower as the currency gapped to the 103 handle, but by the afternoon session it recovered as JPY retraced. Shanghai really could not provide any guidance as that market continues to drift lower. […]

Market Talk June 20th, 2016

The weekend BREXIT poll shaped markets as soon as Asia opened today. The GBP bounced 1% from the open while global equity markets followed with DAX, CAC, Nikkei, Shanghai all over 2% better than the Friday close. Treasuries and Gold saw profit-taking as we saw a 1% decline from the opening bell. Japan did release Im/Export […]

Market Talk June 17th, 2016

A little light relief for markets ahead of the weekend with core Asian equities clawing back some of momentum lost earlier in the week. The Nikkei did manage a 1% bounce whilst the Shanghai and HSI closed 0.5% higher. Much had been expected of this week given all the Central Bank activity but we head […]

Market Talk June 16, 2016

Many blamed the BOJ for today’s Nikkei decline, for not announcing additional stimulus measurers, but for whatever reason we found ourselves 3% lower on the day. We have recovered much of this in late US trading but admittedly – it did not look pretty for the cash market. The flight to quality led as usual […]

Market Talk — June 15, 2016

It just felt like most of the day today was waiting around for the FED meeting this evening and I am sure tomorrow we will be saying the same about BREXIT next week! For Asia, the initial concern was that China did not make the MSCI Index. However, all fears were rejected after the first […]