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Mill, John Stuart

John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 John Stuart Mill was an English economist, philosopher and social reformer. The son of the intellectual James Mill, and friend and disciple of Ricardo, John Stuart Mill was extraordinarily erudite. Having commenced his mastery of Greek at the age of three, he turned to Latin, mathematics, logic and economics. Having reached […]

Mises, Ludwig von

Ludwig von Mises 1881-1973 Ludwig von Mises was an Austrian-born economist. Taught at the University of Vienna until the Nazis came to power. He became a naturalized US citizen in 1946 and taught at New York University from 1945 until his retirement in 1969. Mises did some important early work in monetary theory, but is […]

Morgenstern, Oskar

Oskar Morgenstern 1902-1977 Oskar Morgenstern is an Austrian- born economist. Morgenstern first studied and then taught at the University of Vienna. In 1938 he left Austria and went to Princeton University where he joined the mathematician John von Neumann. Together they wrote the brilliantly original Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1947).

Mun, Thomas

Thomas Mun 1571-1641 Thomas Mun was an English merchant and writer an economics. Director of the East India Company whose trading activities he defended in his hook A Discourse of Trade from England into the East Indies (1621). In this early explanation of the gains from international trade he company’s export of gold from Britain […]

Kuznets, Simon S

Simon S. Kuznets (1901-1985) Simon S. Kuznets was a Russian-born economist who emigrated to America in 1922. Kuznets attended Columbia University where, in 1926,he was awarded his doctorate. After working in various capacities as a government economist, he was appointed Professor of Economics first at Pennsylvania, then to John Hopkins and, finally in 1960, to […]

Lange, Oscar

Oscar Lange 1904-1965 Oscar Lange was a English-born economist, econometrician and politician. Studied in the US, became a naturalized American and taught at the universities of Michigan, Stanford and Chicago. His 1937 Review of Economic Studies article On the Economic Theory of Socialism established his academic reputation. He carried out path finding work in the […]

Lenin, Nikolai or Viadirnir Illich Ulyanov

Nikolai (Vladimir) Illich Ulyanov Lenin (1870-1924) Nikolai (Vladimir) Illich Ulyanov Lenin was a Russian revolutionary and statesman who constructed the Soviet Communist state. His pamphlet What is to be Done? published in 1902, has been described as the true origin of modern communism. The major work, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism completed in 1916, […]

Leontief, Wassily

Wassily Leontief 1906-1999 Wassily Leontief was a Russian born economist, and econometrician, first taught in Germany then in 1931, joined economist department at Harvard University where he has remained ever since. He was appointed Professor in 1946. His greatest contribution to economic theory is the formulation of input-output models for which he was awarded the […]

Lerner, Abba P

Abba P. Lerner 1903-1982 Abba P. Lerner was a Russian-born American professor of economics. Educated at the London School of Economics he taught successively at Roosevelt, Michigan State and from 1965, California Universities His early work centred on the nature of monopoly. In his 1933 Review of Economic Studies article The Concept of Monopoly Power, […]

List, Friedrich

Friedrich List 1789- 1846 Friedrich List was a German economist. After holding a chair in economics at the University of Tueringen, fled to America in 1825 and became involved in mining and railways. Subsequently developed views on economic protectionism for under developed economies..