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The Slave Wars

THE SLAVE WARS The several serious slave wars that began their course at this time were provoked, first, by the sheer scale of the arrival of slaves, to start with mostly prisoners of war, and then purchased in markets like that of Delos. Estimates of the number of slaves in Italy during the second- first […]

The History of Gold

The History of Gold by Martin A. Armstrong This page is currently under construction. The full text of the research into the History of Gold will be added to this site in the near future.

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Taussig, Frank William

Frank William Taussig (1839-1940) Frank William Taussig was an American economist, spent his academic life teaching at Harvard. Between 1917 and 1919 he chaired the US Tariffs Commission. Important books are Tariff History of the United States (1888), Wages and Capital (1896), Principles of Economics (1911), and International Trade. His work shows influences from Ricardo […]

Thuenen, Johann Heinrich von

Johann Heinrich von Thuenen 1783-1850 Johann Heinrich von Thuenen was a German economist whose theories stemmed from a practical background of farmer and landowner his main contribution to economics is his work Der Isolierte Staat in Beziehung Auf Landwirtschaft und Nationaloekonomie (1826-63) in which he analyzed factors influencing the profitable locations of industries. His theory […]

Tinbergen, Jan

Jan Tinbergen 1903-1994 Jan Tinbergen was an Dutch economist who shared the 1969 Nobel Prize for Economics with Ranger Frisch. Tinbergen had made outstanding contributions to econometrics. In the 1930’s he developed models for demand management useful in avoiding depressions and counteracting the problem of unemployment. More recently Tinbergen has analyzed the economic problems of […]

Tobin, James

James Tobin 1918-2002 James Tobin is an American economist. Actively interested in the policy side of economics. In 1961, he founded President Kennedy’s Council of Economic Advisers, and later advised George McGovern on economic matters during his bid for the Presidency in 1972. New Republic (1960) and The New Economics – One Decade Older convey […]

Torrens, Robert

Robert Torrens 1780- 1864 Robert Torrens was a British economist; during the Napoleonic Wars, he served as an officer in the Royal Marines, but rejected this career to become a novelist and Member of Parliament instead. His first work in economics was The Economist Refuted (1808). His later works include Essay on the External Corn […]

Turgot, Aune Robert Jacques

Anne Robert Jacques Turgot 1727-1781 Anne Robert Jacques Turgot was a French writer on economics. Initially educated for a career in the Church, Turgot was for some time an Abbe at the Sorbonne. Having abandoned this for the Civil Service, he was appointed Administrator of Limoges and later, Secretary of State for the Navy. For […]

Veblen, Tharstein

Thorstein Veblen 1857-1929 Thorstein Veblen was an American economist of immigrant farmers who spent most of his academic life at the University of Chicago. Veblen saw economics as being an evolutionary process in which man’s survival relied on his ability to adapt his behavior. The role of economics, be felt, should he that of analyzing […]