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Quesnay, Franqois

Franqois Quesnay 1694-1774 Franqois Quesnay was a French economist. Educated as a surgeon in Paris. Court physician to Louis XV in 1752. Quesnay is principally remembered for his book Tableau Economique (1758). The vision and imagination of this work made him by far the most outstanding Physiocrat. In the book, Quesnay divides society into three […]

The Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Frederik Engels Translated by Samuel Moore A spectre is haunting Europe- the spectre of Communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police spies. Where is the party in […]

McNamara, Robert S

Robert S. McNamara 1916-2009 Robert S. McNamara is a American businessman and public servant. McNamara studied at the universities of Calfornia and Harvard, later becoming Associate Professor of Business Administration at Harvard from 1948 to 1943. After a distinguished business career, he served as US Secretary of Defence for seven years from 1961. In April […]

Meade, James Edward

James Edward Meade 1907-1995 James Edward Meade was a British economist. Educated at Oxford and Cambridge, Meade served as chief economist at the League of Nations from 1938 to 1940. During and after the war he held high posts in Government service. He has taught at London and Oxford and was Professor of Political Economy […]

Menger, Carl

Carl Menger 1840-1921 Carl Menger was the founder of the Austrian School and Professor of Economics at Vienna from 1873-1903. Menger’s work was concerned with methodology, monetary theory and the theory of value. It is for the last of these that he is principally famous. One of the first marginal utility theorists, along with Jevons […]

Mill, John Stuart

John Stuart Mill 1806-1873 John Stuart Mill was an English economist, philosopher and social reformer. The son of the intellectual James Mill, and friend and disciple of Ricardo, John Stuart Mill was extraordinarily erudite. Having commenced his mastery of Greek at the age of three, he turned to Latin, mathematics, logic and economics. Having reached […]

Mises, Ludwig von

Ludwig von Mises 1881-1973 Ludwig von Mises was an Austrian-born economist. Taught at the University of Vienna until the Nazis came to power. He became a naturalized US citizen in 1946 and taught at New York University from 1945 until his retirement in 1969. Mises did some important early work in monetary theory, but is […]

Morgenstern, Oskar

Oskar Morgenstern 1902-1977 Oskar Morgenstern is an Austrian- born economist. Morgenstern first studied and then taught at the University of Vienna. In 1938 he left Austria and went to Princeton University where he joined the mathematician John von Neumann. Together they wrote the brilliantly original Theory of Games and Economic Behavior (1947).

Mun, Thomas

Thomas Mun 1571-1641 Thomas Mun was an English merchant and writer an economics. Director of the East India Company whose trading activities he defended in his hook A Discourse of Trade from England into the East Indies (1621). In this early explanation of the gains from international trade he company’s export of gold from Britain […]

Kuznets, Simon S

Simon S. Kuznets (1901-1985) Simon S. Kuznets was a Russian-born economist who emigrated to America in 1922. Kuznets attended Columbia University where, in 1926,he was awarded his doctorate. After working in various capacities as a government economist, he was appointed Professor of Economics first at Pennsylvania, then to John Hopkins and, finally in 1960, to […]