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Chamberlin, Edward

Edward Chamberlin 1867-1967 Edward Chamberlin was an American economist who in his book set forth the Theory of Monopolistic Competition. This was an attempt to make economic theory more relevant as he attempted to devise a model in which elements of both competition and monoply were present.

Clark, Colin Grant

Colin Grant Clark (1905-1989) Colin Grant Clark was a British and Australian economist and statistician who worked in both the United Kingdom and Australia. It was Clark who pioneered the use of the gross national product (“GNP”) as the basis for studying national economies. He was born on November 2nd, 1905 in London and was educated […]

Bagehot, Walter

Walter Bagehot 1826-1877 Walter Bagehot was a famous British commentator on economical affairs was editor of The Economist from 1861 to 1877. Lombard Street, his work analyzing the role of the Bank of England, was published in 1873.

Beveridge, William Henry, Lord

Lord William Henry Beveridge 1876-1963 Lord William Henry Beveridge was a British economist and Director of the London School of Economics from 1919 to 1937, Beveridge was particularly concerned about the problem of unemployment. His most important work an the subject, Unemployment, was published in 1931. In 1942, Beveridge prepared the report Social Insurance and […]

Bentham, Jeremy

Jeremy Bentham 1748-1832 Jeremy Bentham was a British economist, philosopher eccentric and founder of University College, London; educated at Westminster School and Queen’s College, Oxford. His books, Defense of Usury (1787), Principles and Morals of Legislation (1823) and Manual of Political Economy (1825) all extol the classical liberal tradition of laissez-faire. Bentham is best known […]


Francis Bator Born 1925 Francis Bator was a Hungarian-born graduate of MIT Bator became Special Assistant for National Security to the president of the United States, a member of the senior staff of the National Security Council, and Senior Economics Adviser to the State Department. He is now Professor of Political Economy at Harvard. His […]

Arrow, Kenneth Joseph

Kenneth Joseph Arrow Born 1921 Kenneth Joseph Arrow was the 1972 Nobel Prize winner in economics, Kenneth Arrow began his academic career on the research staff of the Comles Commission in Chicago and later taught at Stanford and Harvard. He has done much important work on economic equilibrium analysis, applying the mathematical theory of convex […]

Aquinas, Saint Thomas

Saint Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274 Saint Thomas Aquinas was a great thinker and a remarkable medieval theologian. Thomas, a native of Naples, gained his doctorate at Paris under Alberthus Magnus and later taught at various European universities. His most famous work was his 20 volume Summa Theologica. In this, he expresses his concern with the concept […]

Allen, Sir Roy George Douglas

Sir Roy George Douglas Allen (1906-1983) Sir Roy George Douglas Allen was a statistician, economist and mathematician, Professor Allen studied at Sydney, Sussex, Cambridge, before being appointed as a lecturer in the London School of Economics in 1928. During the Second World War, he was made Director of Records and Statistics of the British Supply […]

Adelman, Irma

Irma Adelman Born 1930 Irma Adelman was a Romanian by birth, Professor Adelman was educated in the US, gaining a Ph.D. in economics in 1955. She lectured both at Stanford and the University of Maryland before publishing her empirical work, ‘Theories of economical growth and development.’ In this, she emphasizes that under-development needs to be […]