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Our Risk Assessment Meter is Now on Orange Alert

There is a clear rising risk factor emerging from both politics and geopolitics as we move into the January turning point on the Economic Confidence Model. As the economy turns down and as we head into the 2020 presidential elections in the United States, we are facing rising risk factors on many fronts. The Democrats […]

The First Clean Air Act was 535AD

To me, all this propaganda that humans are responsible for climate change implies that somehow the climate is static and would not be changing but for human activity. This may make great headlines and inspire youth to create strikes and march upon the institutions of capitalism demanding their closure. However, any unbiased review of history […]

The Dollar Shortage & Liquidity Crisis?

The NY Federal Reserve announced last week that they will continue their repo operation until October 10th, 2019. The repurchase agreements will amount to up to $75 billion per day. Additionally, they plan to offer three two-week repo operations of up to $30 billion each round. The constant intervention of the Federal Reserve into the […]

Computer v Influence

QUESTION: Do you think that Cambridge Analytica actually had any influence in creating BREXIT given the controversy that they were hired but then not? Can such influence actually change elections? DK ANSWER: As Nigel Farage noted at our Rome WEC in early 2019, our computer forecast BREXIT when nobody else did. Our computer does not […]

Big Bang in Full Motion Set to Collide In a Real Mess

COMMENT: Marty, The central banks tell us they will lower interest rates, even into negative territory, in order to stimulate the economy through bank lending. YOU tell this is an outdated theory that has NEVER worked and I believe you. Surely the central banks persist will this excuse not because they think it will work […]

A Nose for Trading

QUESTION: I realize my opinion is of little consequence; but I find something interesting and needed to share. After doing a lot of backtesting using many criteria over many stocks my unqualified opinion is that no fixed criteria can be used analyze stock charts over time and many stocks. I worked with a well respected […]

China warning the Hong Kong Protests are a “Color Revolution”

  After 12 weeks of protests in Hong Kong, the likelihood of China sending in troops has escalated. Xinhua News Agency said Sunday in China recalling comments by former top leader Deng Xiaoping saying Beijing has to act under such circumstances. In Sunday’s commentary, Xinhua said Hong Kong’s protests have turned into a Color Revolution […]

China v US Trade War

China understands the difference between the German mercantilist model of manufacturing and sells to everyone else and the United States which became the largest economy in the world because it allowed its domestic consumer economy to develop. China will become the largest economy in the world and take the crown from the United States because […]

Cities are Harassing Homeowners with Excessive Fines

I have been warning about the hunt for taxes. You must realize that the worst is unfolding at the state and municipal levels of local governments because they cannot create money as is the case at the federal levels. Therefore, they pass draconian laws and enforce insane things just to raise money. In New Jersey, […]

A Career for the Future?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, First of all, I have to say that I admire your economic confidence model and I am grateful that you publish your blog posts publicly. Hopefully, I will make it to one of your conferences one day and get to know you. Probably most of your subscribers are a bit older […]