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EU To Restrict Movement of Cash

The EU is now developing strict rules for carrying cash when traveling to non-European countries and returning to Europe. The revision of the First Cash Control Regulation from 2005, which stipulated that EU citizens should register cash in excess of € 10,000 when leaving the EU or when returning to the customs authorities have to, […]

Market Talk- December 11, 2017

A strong session from Asia to open the week with Hang Seng and Shanghai both higher by 1%. Having seen a brief wobble at the start of trading, the move was quickly rejected and we traded from strength to strength. Energy, Tech and Financials were the leaders for the day with volumes actually increasing slightly […]

Why the Dollar is not Fiat

QUESTION: You have said that coins were still fiat and not tangible hard money. Nobody else has said that. Can you support that statement? DS ANSWER: Of course. During the American Colonial period, there was a shortage of silver in particular in Britain. The British imposed restrictions on what coins could be used to pay […]

Market Talk- December 8, 2017

Asia started where the US markets off and confidence ahead of payrolls Friday, a government shut-down averted and hopes riding high for a BREXIT deal – which ran on the back of Sterling’s strength. For the Nikkei it felt important that we saw a 1.5% rally today taking us back to returning a roughly flat […]

The Trump Tax Cut, the Pass-Through, & Multinationals

The Trump Tax Reform is a very major deal. There are seven brackets in today’s individual tax code. The Senate version of the Trump Reform is not a windfall for the rich lowering their bracket from 39.6% to just 38.5%. The seven tax brackets currently are: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%.  Changes […]

Is Cryptocurrency a Government Plot?

  QUESTION: You have said that the future will be cryptocurrencies. The Bank of Canada has come out and acknowledged what you have been saying that such private issue challenges the government’s profit structure. Do you think electronic money will be viable sooner or later down the road? PG ANSWER: Electronic currency is ALREADY the bulk of […]

The 2018 Gold Report

QUESTION: Should I just give up an sell all my gold and just buy stocks after the Senate passed tax reform? ANSWER: Gold has its time and place. The 2018 Gold Report will also cover cryptocurrency since many of the goldbugs abandoned gold for Bitcoin.  Will BitCoin peak with a low in gold? We will issue […]

Market Talk- November 29, 2017

Asia performed well overnight following on from a strong US session. The Nikkei opened strong and remained well bid into the close. The Yen fell towards the high 111’s a loss of around +0.3% on the day. The North Korean missile test with it apparently falling into Japanese waters, was quickly ignored even given the […]

Market Talk- November 27th

It was the strength of the Yen that took top discussion point today in Asia, or alternatively, the US Dollars weakness. Having shown early gains, the Nikkei tended to drift and was probably influenced by a much weaker China market. The Shanghai index finished near 1% lower as concerns start to grow following the sell-off […]

China Open Gold Trade in Yuan as Proxy for the Yuan

China keeps moving gradually to open up their economy to international forces. The People’s Republic of China has expanded the trade in gold in yuan and thus the internationalization of the national currency is moving closer. Gold merchants from the industrial metropolis of Shenzhen have been trading their yuan gold at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange […]