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Warning Bank Stocks in Serious Trouble

  Barclays shares in the UK have fallen 9% after it announced further restructuring, a dividend cut, and an 8% decline in statutory pre-tax profit. As part of the restructure, Barclays is looking to sell off its 62.3% holding in its African business. They followed the trend of commodities and now they are following that same trend […]

The Game is Over – Market Perspective

The fuse has been lit. The world economy is in serious trouble and we have the worst possible people at the helm. You have Obama who wants to double the funding for the SEC and CFTC to go after the banks because he smells blood. He also wants to add a $10 tax to oil […]

WEC Attendees Will Receive Extended Access to the Trader Preview Site For Two Weeks

We are adding a group of new models before the final launch of the Trader version. We added the risk model this weekend. You will also find that the reports have been redesigned in different levels. Below is a sample of the risk model for the Dow Jones. This can be used by option traders […]

Market Talk – January 15th, 2016

We did NOT elect  the Weekly Bearish today in the Dow Jones Industrial Japan tried to hold overnight gains but by the time the rest of the Asian markets opened it was too late and the selling pressure just increased with time. Nikkei closed down 94 points (-0.5%) but the futures quote dropped an additional […]

Alternative Currencies of the Great Depression

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, have you ever heard of a short lived Wörgl Experiment in Austria? It was shut down by the Austrian Central Bank they say because it was successful. Have you looked into this experiment they claim defied deflation and inflation? ANSWER: Yes. This was by no means an isolated instance. True, it […]

Investor Level Service

The Investor level of Socrates is now available! For the low price of $10, users may sign up for a 30-day trial to familiarize themselves with the site. After that time, users will have the option to sign up for an annual subscription in the region(s) of their choice for $150 per region. The three […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2015

Asia managed a mixed session torn between the falling oil price and the Dow’s rally. Europe was very sure what should happen when oil was hit again this morning. WTI and Brent fell another 1.5% on the back of an earlier report from the IEA (International Energy Agency) and they are forecasting a slack in 2016 based […]

The Gold Conspiracy

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; your position is that the metals are not suppress by manipulation. There have been 3 major investigations into silver market manipulation of which each concluded there was no manipulation because COMEX silver was not out of line with the “Silver Fix”. Some say that this was a fake investigation and with the London […]

Efficient Market Theory vs. Behavioral Economic Theory

QUESTION: Hi,   Thanks for a great blog.    Mr. Armstrong,   I´d like to know your opinion for efficient market hypothesis. Theory states it is impossible to beat the market because market efficiency. I know you disagree with that, but is there any theory which states that markets can´t be efficient? And what’s your opinion of […]

Are Goldbugs Howling at the Moon with $100,000 Prices?

COMMENT: Marty, the goldbugs are like jihadists, they are now proclaiming China will buy all gold and make it $50,000 to $100,000 an ounce. When wrong, just raise the targets to even more insane levels. They really hate your guts and the closer gold comes to making new lows the personal attacks on you escalate. […]