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Private Blog – Gold Into the Benchmark

Gold into the Benchmark Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

You can Eat and Drink Gold

I am working from the Abu Dhabi office this week meeting with clients in town. I thought I would post something unusual. In the Emirates Palace, you can have a cup of coffee with gold on top you can drink. You can also order ice cream made from camel milk top with real gold you […]

More Strange Gold Reasoning

QUESTION #1: Marty, ___ ________ makes the argument that if “the government” raised the price of gold to $5000/oz it would start and inflation that would wipe away the debt.   Don’t they have to ensure convertibility as well? He kind of skips over that. And isn’t that pegging the dollar to gold, and no […]

The Confusion in Gold

QUESTION #1: [_____] says that the dollar will collapse because with the debt ceiling gone – no more buyers of Treasuries in the markets and only the Fed Reserve buying – inflation goes to the wazoo. All over USA. care to comment? ANSWER: Total nonsense. The USA debt of $20 trillion is a tiny fraction […]

Private Blog – Gold & 1362.50

Private Blog – Gold & 1362.50 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Gold – Dow – Euro & Socrates Update

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am a long time reader of your blog from India. I am learning about a lot many things about Finance & Economics from your blog, than I learned by going to College. Truly, what is being taught in Academic institutions is far from what actually happens. I am an Investor […]

Gold – Oil – Dollar

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the cocktail party in Hong Kong I am the one who asked you how China should proceed to make the yuan a reserve currency. You said the rule of law must first protect property and surprisingly you said to issue commodity contracts redeemable in gold. Well, everyone knows whatever you seem […]

Is Gold Still Relevant?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Gold rallies with each political event and then falls back when the event is over. It is not in a sustainable relentless bull market as was the case in the 70s. Almost every stock market has outperformed gold since 1980. This has made me wonder if something is different. Here in India […]

Gold & the Dow

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I have been following your blog for years now. I am not a trader or financial person in any sense of the word but I take a keen interest in the economy and try to keep myself educated re current science theories for my own interest. I love your blog and your […]

Private Blog – Gold Close for August & North Korea

Private Blog – Gold Update for August Close & North Korea Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit