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CalPERS Posts Gain of Just 2.4%

CalPERS (California Public Employees’ Retirement System) posted a profit of just 2.4% for its fiscal year (which ended on June 30) that was well below its 7.5% investment target. This is illustrating the crisis emerging in pensions. Even the pensions that were funded are now underfunded because they counted for so long on 8% bond yields. […]

Berlin – World Economic Conference – November 28-29, 2015

We are holding this year’s 2015 World Economic Conference in Berlin, Germany, and it may be the most important conference since 1987. While so many people are now starting to mimic our forecasts for Big Bang, all now touting the autumn of 2015, this is going to be far more complicated than what the typical analyst comprehends, […]

The World Share Market Reports for 2015.75

October Release of the World Share Market Reports We are now preparing the World Share Market Reports and will not be taking orders until they are published in October. They will be available by either download or hard copy. The set of three will be priced at $1500 (U.S. dollars). The WEC Princeton attendees will […]

The Graying of Society & Why the US Economy is doing better than Most

Why is the USA better off in some respects to Europe and Asia? They are calling it the “Graying of Society”. The problem is rather stark: the socialistic system never counted on the collapse in birth rates and a greater life expectancy increase. This is wreaking havoc on the fiscal budgets of governments everywhere, yet […]

Gold – China – Here We Go Again

QUESTION:    Hi Martin, I was “of one mind” when it came to gold and silver and the shisters that clam “manipulation to the downside,” “gold is going to 5K,” and “gold has bottomed” and on an on. Your site is the only source of information that I trust anymore and thanks to you I […]

Negative Interest Rates – Brain-dead Thinking that Will Implode the World

The entire problem we have with this proposal of negative interest rates first put forth by Larry Summers, is that this is another means for bankers to make a fortune through theoretical stimulus that will never reach the public. This crazy idea will have a DEFLATIONARY drag on the entire economy and threaten to tear […]

Prima Noctum (jus primae noctis) (First Night) = Modern Day Marriage License

A few people have asked what is my source for Prima Noctum since Wikipedia claims it is a myth. Sorry, but Wikipedia is seriously wrong in this department for the problem in their research is the classic error in politics – research not the act but the right. They have concluded it must be a […]

What Will Be Worse This Time Around?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I’ve attended several of your conferences, and thank you very much for all you do. You’ve said that the next decline is going to be far worse than the last one.  Intensity and volatility is building.  By that statement, do you mean both the US economy and the US stock markets may […]

Cameron Lashes Out Against Putin – Prepare for World War III

David Cameron and Vladimir Putin met face-to-face talks in June. Now Cameron is towing the US line and is speaking out to NATO warning it is “unprepared for Russia threat”. Cameron has told NATO that it seriously needs to rethink its long-term relationship with Russia. British Prime Minister David Cameron has warned that Russia’s “illegal” actions in […]

The Sum of our Future – He who Makes the Laws never goes to Jail for Breaking them

Working for the government was always pitched as somehow being better guaranteed than risky corporations. However, he who makes the laws never goes to jail for breaking them – a plain fact of life. The problem with government pensions has been they promised whatever sounded nice, with zero accountability. The presumption that tax revenue was an […]