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Do We Have Any Rights?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Is it still possible for the People to save the USA and revert it back to its original form, as was indented in the Constitution –  rights not enumerated to the Government, belong to the State or to the People? I spend some time in the USA and in public high school. At no […]

New World Order v Status Quo

QUESTION: “This New World Order will fail. ” assume status quo fails before NWO fails… what will the new status quo look like? RP ANSWER: We all have opinions. In times like these, the personal opinion does not help very much for as Julius Caesar said, people believe what they want to believe. Those who […]

Schwab Getting Desperate? Martin Armstrong Agenda Contributor at WEF

OK. I cannot even count the emails coming in on this one.  It seems Schwab has found someone with the same name but is just a journalist, and he has been sending this out to everyone. Look. I began our WEC in 1985. Schwab started his WEF in 1987. Marcus Vetter did the film on […]

The Japan Outlook

QUESTION: Marty, I greatly appreciate all you do to try to prevent this war cycle. You have said many times Socrates beats you. With missiles flying over Japan here, what do you see ahead? AS ANSWER: Nice to hear from you. It does not look very good. A year-end closing below 6805 will warn of […]

Central Bank QE

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nobody knows history better than you. Will QE continue if we end up in war? It seems there would be no choice. Thank you for your very enlightening blog. PG ANSWER: Yes. The Fed was “directed” by the White House to carry out QE during World War II. They were to […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1:  I live in the US. When the sovereign debt explodes, and I will “own nothing “, does that mean that any car, house or property that has a loan on it will become the property of the bank and or government? Does it mean property that is paid off and I hold the […]

Bonds & the Fate of the Future

The 30-year bond elected a major long-term Quarter Bearish Reversal on target. This confirms the long-term outlook that we had warned back at the high that we were establishing a 5,000-year low in rates (high in bond prices). The sell signals on bonds at the end of September are very profound. This is also why […]

Matteo Renzi Defends Rival Giorgia Meloni

The media is clearly in the wrong when politicians from the other end of the spectrum are coming out to condemn fake news. Former Italian PM Matteo Renzi (2014 to 2016) is putting his political views aside and defending newly-appointed PM Giorgia Meloni. Countless articles have compared her to Benito Mussolini, claiming she would bring […]

Interview: Banking Crisis Will Start in Europe

Watch the video above to see my most recent interview with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says nothing is going to get better by the end of 2022, and he is still forecasting “chaos” coming in 2023. Armstrong says the plunge in the […]

The British Pound & the FX Crisis

COMMENT #1: Well done on the GBP PP COMMENT #2: Marty; Nobody agreed with you. Socrates is amazing! HJ COMMENT #3: You can buy your place back in Cornwall Gardens. Fantastic call! PK COMMENT #4: Nobody has ever beat you yet on currency forecasting. Thank you, my dollar account has paid off all my debt. […]