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Will Russia Push the Button?

  Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is a major TV host, and his latest warning to the West is to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian TV, Kiselyov warned that if a Western power deploys soldiers on the ground in Ukraine to ‘inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,’ it will […]

Russia Responds Precisely on Target

Nearly $300 billion worth of confiscated frozen Russian assets have been set to the side by the West. Some of the world’s leading decision-makers have been urging the powers that be to release these funds into Ukraine, arming Russia’s enemy with the private wealth of its own citizens. Russia has finally responded to these threats […]

Banks Wage War on Gun Ownership

The government has successfully weaponized the banks against the people. Major banks are voluntarily sharing customers’ private transactions with the federal government “as part of a wildly overbroad financial surveillance scheme intended to identify domestic terrorists,” a group of attorneys general wrote in a letter to Bank of America in regards to discrimination against Christian […]

Insurance is Always a Scam – Beware – They Pay NO CLAIMS in time of war

Loyds Nord Stream v (1) LIC and (2) Arch – CL-2024-000094 – Defence Switzerland-based Nord Stream AG filed a lawsuit against the insurers for refusing to compensate the company. Nord Stream estimated the cost incurred by the attack to be between €1.2 billion and €1.35 billion and is seeking to recoup over €400 million in […]

Does China Control America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves?

Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo. Reminded the US Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, “We are not governed by a world government – yet!” The Biden Administration consulted with China before selling off America’s strategic petroleum reserves. In 2021, Granholm admitted that she spoke with the Chinese Communist Party about coordinating how America would handle its nation’s highly […]

To Those Mocking Safe Havens

A word to individuals who mock those looking for safe havens. We do not realize how lucky we are to live in America, Canada, or elsewhere during this current time period. Those who write in desperately seeking a safe haven are NOT simply greedy people looking to evade taxation. People are looking to evade government […]

Why We Cannot Reach the Fed’s 2% Inflation Target

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) released on April 10 by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that inflation rose by 0.4% on a monthly basis and by 3.5% on the yearly. One must only look at their bills, items in the store, or open their eyes to see that the cost of living in […]

Collective Debt – We Must All Pay for Student Loans

Biden is destroying the financial future of generations with his reckless spending in an attempt to buy votes. Fed Chair Powell nearly admitted it in his interview with 60 Minutes in which he urged the government to show restraint when plunging the nation deeper into debt. Biden and the Democrats are cheering that he will […]

Boris Johnson Issues Warning Against Israel Arms Embargo

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson reemerges from the shadows whenever he hears word that a war may be winding down. Johnson made an emergency trip to Ukraine when Zelensky was considering a peace deal with Russia, urging him to continue the endless war. According to Johnson, Russia was a threat to world peace, and […]

Russia Deems South Korea an Unfriendly Nation

Russia’s ties to North Korea have strained its relationship with South Korea. South Korea has placed sanctions on Russian entities and individuals, with Russia responding by deeming South Korea an “unfriendly nation,” or in other words, an enemy. “This is an unfriendly move by Seoul and is deeply regrettable. The imposition of – I emphasize […]