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Dating in America

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, You are so right about this country being totally screwed. I dated a girl three times. Everything seemed OK. We had similar goals and interests. Then I mentioned the Trump indictment. Suddenly, she just said, oh, you are a Trump supporter. The conversation turned cold, and suddenly, I saw a look of […]

Biden Needs $24 Billion More for Ukraine

The blank checks are never-ending. I speak of the economic impact Biden has had on our country daily. This war in Ukraine has simply been the largest money grab in recent history rivaling COVID. Biden is asking for another $24 billion in aid to Ukraine. At this point, it is nearly comical because most of […]

British Lose Confidence in Banks

Britain’s four largest banks have reported that clients have withdrawn £78 billion, marking the steepest bank run since 2018. NatWest, Barclays, Lloyds, and HSBC all reported significant withdrawals in the 12 months leading up to June 2023. Worsening matters, the House of Commons Treasury Committee accused the four banks of “blatant profiteering” and “squeezing higher […]

Americans Tapping into 401Ks amid Private Debt Crisis

Credit card balances in the US have surpassed $1 trillion for the first time, with balances up almost 20% from a year ago. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported that total credit card debt stood at $986 billion in the first quarter of 2023, unchanged from the record hit at the end of […]

Australia has Not Ordered All Cattle to be Vaccinated

The rumor going aroind is that Australia has announced plans for mass injections of mRNA vaccines into livestock. This is not true. We have a lot of farmers in Australia that rely on our forecasting so we have direct sources. Officials have NOT announced such a scheme. Currently, there are no mandatory vaccinations for livestock imposed […]

De-Dollarization; and the Neocons Aren’t Going Anywhere: The World According Martin Armstrong

Pfizer An Organized International Crime Operation?

  Pfizer is part of 2032. They have so corrupted government on a global scale that has resulted in countless unreported deaths that our trust in government itself is crumbling before our eyes. Very few people are willing to stand up against this corruption. The politicians circle the wagons to protect their corruption. They will […]

PRIVATE BLOG – 2024 & the ECM

PRIVATE BLOG – 2024 & the ECM Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Interesting Times

COMMENT #1: Hello Mr. Armstrong,   I just did some homework: Between August 3rd and this morning, I received only 44% of your New Post blog e-mails. Out of the 48 posts, only 21 ended up in my inbox!   The censoring covers politics, Woke, war, corruption, tyranny, climate change, even humor (Aug 4th Trudeau’s […]

Land of the Free & Home of the Brave

COMMENT: Hi Martin, For months now, I don’t receive about half of your blog emails, most of the time the ones that are politically the most sensitive. For example, these last few days, I didn’t receive “Massachusetts residents… “ and “FBI carry out hit…” Have a great day P REPLY: We are getting similar emails […]