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Thucydides Trap & War Between China & USA

QUESTION: What do you make of Trump’s proposal to restrict US investment in China? Will this send the US economy into recession as everyone is saying? DH ANSWER: I have never seen the press so anti-president in the history of this nation. Every possible thing they claim will destroy the US economy. The US trade […]

Market Talk – October 1, 2019

ASIA: China today held a military event showing off their military might. This event marked the 70th year anniversary of Communist rule in China. They showed off their new intercontinental ballistic missile, which has a reach of 12 to 15 km. The worrying thing for most of the world is the speed at which it could […]

SEC Routinely Prosecutes Family Favors in Business Dealings

  A treaty was signed between Ukraine and the USA which plainly states that Ukraine will assist in any investigation that may lead to criminal activity. There certainly is nothing that is impeachable to ask Ukraine to investigate Biden, which has long been considered a very strange conflict of interest. In the real world, company […]

Market Talk – September 30, 2019

  ASIA: Chinese economic data from last Friday showed that industrial company profits dropped 2% in August from a year ago. It reversed a 2.6% gain in the previous month, indicating growing pressure on the corporate sector as the economy slows further. President Xi of China paid his respects to the founder of the Communist […]

Capitalism v Hybrid Capitalism

COMMENT: Every ISM has failed. Maybe we are seeing the twilight of Capitalism. China is a hybrid. Maybe that is why it will be the next world power. CM REPLY: People confuse capitalism with corruption. Capitalism is your freedom to choose. Corruption is when republics are available for sale to the highest bidder. Unfortunately, the […]

Playing with the Facts to Fool the Majority

QUESTION: What do you say about the difference between corporate socialism and democratic socialism. Thank you. Its all the buzz among those supporting Senator Elizabeth Warren. LP ANSWER: This is a very clever way of excusing the core issue. The Democrats preach raising taxes and then sell loopholes to the big corporations. The bankers donated […]

Market Talk – September 26, 2019

ASIA: The People’s Bank of China auctioned 10 billion yuan dated six months out in order to secure the yuan exchange rate in Hong Kong today. Also today, the Chinese Ministry of Finance reopened a 4.5 billion yuan sovereign bond issue in Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the Chinese commerce said today that they have started discussing […]

Market Talk – September 25, 2019

ASIA: Regarding the US-China trade deal, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo today. Mr. Wang Yi expressed that China had no intentions of removing the US from the world leader status. However, he stressed that the US must “remove all unreasonable restrictions” with regards to the trade deal. He […]

Liquidity Crisis

COMMENT: Marty, you have made many unbelievable forecasts in so many markets around the world. But your forecast that we would see a liquidity crisis after Labor Day and dollar hoarding is at the top of the list. There is nobody who saw this coming. Your computer can see things nobody can. Looking forward to […]

Market Talk – September 24, 2019

ASIA: The Chinese government has waived some companies and the state to buy US soybeans tariff-free. According to Bloomberg, as much as 3 million tons were allowed to be purchased without the tariffs. Meanwhile, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said that the trade talks will proceed after the Chinese delegation cancelation of a US farm […]