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Market Talk – March 4, 2019

Asia: China has accused two Canadian’s of spying in what seems as to be retaliation of the extradition of Huawei executive to the US. Tensions seems to be escalating between the two countries. Huawei Meng Wanzhou, in turn, sued Canada for violation of human rights. Ironically, there are now hopes for a conclusion to the […]

Market Talk – March 1, 2019

Asia: Stocks were boosted amid renewed hopes that a US and China trade deal will finally be resolved in the coming weeks. Some analysts are pointing their fingers at President Trump, stating that the deal was meant to be helping Americans, instead it is seen to be bringing fear to many businesses worried about importing […]

Market Talk – February 28, 2019

Asia: U.S. President Donald Trump said he had walked away from a nuclear deal at his summit with Kim Jong-un on Thursday as they cannot accept the demands from each other. Kim Jong-un pressed for the end of the US sanctions, however Trump declined as this was not possible until proof of total nuclear disarmament […]

The Decline in Quality is Part of the Cycle

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Wanted to ask you if you are noticing the same thing as me regarding the ‘quality’ of goods and services these days and if this is history repeating itself again, such as the fall of the Roman empire? To explain, I am noticing that the quality of the goods and services I buy […]

Market Talk – February 27, 2019

Asia: Most of the Major Asian stock indexes increased today apart from the Hang Seng dropping 30.79 points (-0.11%) to 28,740. The Nikkei 225 gained 107 points or 0.5% to 21557; the Shanghai Composite added 12 points or 0.4% to 2954; the Kospi went up 8 points or 0.4% to 2235 and the ASX 200 closed 22 […]

Market Talk – February 26, 2019

Asia: Most of the major Asian stocks decreased today after yesterday’s impressive rise, particularly in the Shanghai Composite. The Shanghai dropped 63bps to 2943 today. Nikkei decreased -0.37bps to 21449; Kospi decreased 25bps to 2227; Hang Seng and ASX 200 decreased 65bps and 94bps to 28772 and 6128 respectfully. Gold did not absorb any of […]

Funds Management & Trading – Behind the Curtain

QUESTION: Hello I read all your blogs and prescribe to your market reports. I will now attend my first event in Rome. For me it all makes sense. My questions is, which you must have gotten before, why don’t you offer a fund that is based on Socrates, so that we all your followers could invest […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2019

Asia: Major global news today regarding the US China trade talks. President Trump tweeted on Sunday that the US and China have made substantial progress with the trade talks, extended trade talks were made during the weekend and the deadline for the tariff increase has subsequently been postponed. However, he did stress that an agreement […]

Is Mind Control Real?

China is advancing in technology very rapidly. They have succeeded in connecting a human brain to the brain of a rat. This connection is then able to send an instruction to the brain of the rat which compels it to respond in a directed movement. To create a “rat cyborg” as the scientists call them, researchers […]

Market Talk – February 22, 2019

  Asia: The global markets reacted to the following news of President Trump expectations to meet with Chinese Vice Premier Liu later in the day to conclude US-China trade talks. Investors were really optimistic about the news, which pushed up most of the major Asian stock markets today. The Nikkei 225 was not to follow […]