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Bitcoin Can Go to 2,100.000,000,000,000?

Now others say that number is wrong and bitcoin can go to 2,100.000,000,000,000. If that is true, then my first statement is correct. If everyone swapped all money for bitcoins then what is the difference? This is not a question of supply. Money is just a medium of exchange not a sort of constant value and […]

Financial Panics of the World

The History of Financial Panics By Martin A. Armstrong Financial Panics have been very interesting for they have been taking place since ancient times. There are two primary types of panics. One that is very short-lived with a typical duration of 2 to 3 years maximum, and the second type which precedes a prolonged economic […]

It is Always Dependent upon Perspective

The arrogance of some who confuse pollution with the power to alter the cycles of the universe is truly beyond description. This video puts it all in perspective how tiny we really are in the scheme of all things. When in Economics we attribute all causes to something within our domestic economy, we are making […]

Money – Electronic & Debasement

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all you have done, your blog is amazing.   I have a question (well many but will only ask one).  Will electronic money fully displace all currencies or will we go with a 2 tier system one for domestic and one for international? Thank you very much, rms ANSWER: […]

Fiat and the Abuse of Using This Term

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong People seem to just equate any non commodity form of money as being fiat. But fiat means a value dictated by government. There seems to be a foot-loose use of the word fiat to the point I am not sure what people are yelling about. Bitcoin fluctuates wildly so where is the […]

Default or Restructure

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I was reading your blog posting on, “Real Estate 15yr v 30yr Mortgage & New Electronic Currency Coming” and you state that with the new electronic currency coming (which, as you say, will be the new reserve currency), governments should not be able to borrow and debts should be eliminated.  I agree […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Honey & Decline in Bee Population on target for 2019

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Thank you so much for saving me from unending opinions and the latest flavours of the day.  I have been reading your material for a couple of years now and I have truly had a transformation in perspective. You mention periodically that the history of the world has been put into your computer.  […]

Gold Falling out of Favor – Now they Count on Apple Watches?

COMMENT:  Mr Armstrong, The gold world is running out of stories for the public. First it was no gold at Ft. Knox, then manipulation, then a Chinese gold standard, hyperinflation, German repatriation, the Swiss vote and the best but weakest story, now. REPLY: I seriously doubt Apple will save gold. True, the excuses just keep […]

Trial by Ice – Not Fire – The New Ice Age Cometh?

  Hey – it is snowing in Mexico City. In the 2012 Maya Report, We published the natural cycles that are most concerning. About every 11 years with the Sunspot Cycle, the poles flip polarity on the sun. I provided the evidence obtained from the lava flows at the bottom of the sea that confirm the […]