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Market Talk- March 9th, 2017

Markets and sentiment did not do too well in Asia today after the decline in the oil price yesterday. Energy stocks were hit as were commodity relations as we saw mixed data out from China and weaker JPY. China released better than expected Producer Price Index but was countered by slower than expected Consumer Prices. […]

Jarrett & Obama Even Live Together – She is Said to be Fixated on Overthrowing Trump

The hot topic in Washington is that Jarrett has been behind the attempt to (1) investigate Trump under the pretense of National Security and (2) has been the one also orchestrating the insurgency protests to overthrow Trump. Jarrett even lived in the White House and dined with the Obamas. She has now also moved into Obama’s […]

Market Talk- March 8th, 2017

There was plenty to get excited about today, from Asia all the way through the time zones. First up came the Chinese Trade data and the surprise that Imports outpaced Exports giving them a deficit of around $9.1bn for the first time in over three years. However, many see this as a seasonal adjustment and […]

Another Coup Building in Turkey?

Our sources in Turkey are hinting that there is building the resentment against Erdogan and he knows that there is trouble in the wind. Erdogan is desperate to blame the West and find an enemy to point the finger at for all the problems he has caused including the collapse in the currency. Erdogan is now […]

Lana Del Rey turn to Witchcraft to Get Rid of Trump While Protesters are the Pawns of Special Interests

The singer  Lana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency. She Tweeted: “At the stroke of midnight, Feb 24, March 26, April 24, May 23… Ingredients can be found online.” The cryptic message is all about witchcraft.  These dates line-up with the ‘waning crescent moon ritual dates’,  which are the […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2017

The euphoria seen in the states followed on into Asia with the Nikkei returning almost 1% in today’s trading. The mood did not want to change from Wednesday, leading traders to think that many have finally thrown in the towel and are accepting that we are moving higher. The strange thing is the odds move […]

Market Talk- February 28, 2017

  Much of the talk surrounded the 12 days of fresh highs for the US markets, but even so Asia closed mixed with focus well and truly on President Trump’s speech. The congress address will not take place until late in the US evening which will be just ahead of the Asian opening. The safe-haven […]

Market Talk- February 27, 2017

A few stories over the weekend from a potential vote for Scotland to a Le Pen victory could create a “worse than Lehman” moment. Asian equity mood and markets reacted to nervous weekend press as they watched the GBP lose 0.5% (before a mid-day bounce) and watched most core indices lose close to -1%. The […]

Market Talk- February 22, 2017

Having seen the US markets set new record highs, most Asian indices followed the momentum. Many dealers said the euphoria can take us only so far, then we look for substance and they were hoping for that from tonight’s FED minutes release. The Nikkei retraced much of Wednesday strength but interestingly enough remained within the […]

Market Talk- February 21, 2017

One of the quietest days in a while with even the JPY trading in a fairly tight trading range, less than one Yen (113.00 – 113.80). Early talk surrounded Fed’s Member (Patrick Harker) who commented late in the day that March is still in play for potential move. US Dollar bulls needed no encouragement and […]